Galvanize and Embolden

Hi everyone, I’ve just experienced the great fun that is Sentinels of the Multiverse last night for the first time. I loved it so much I went on Kickstarter and pledged for the game and all the expansion packs!

I’m sorry if this has come up already in discussion, but I did a search and couldn’t find it, but one of the problems we came across last night was interaction between Legacy’s Galvanize and Fanatic’s Embolden.

Normally Fanatic deals 2 damage to whoever she emboldens, but if Legacy were to galvanize, does that mean she does 3 damage to the hero she is helping instead?

When we did it last night, we thought it didn’t make very much thematic sense, so we had embolden still do 2 damage, but we are curious what the official rule was.

It increases damage, period. If a hero would deal damage to anyone or anything, it’s increased by one.

And welcome to the delightful world that is SotM, btw. :slight_smile: