Gen Con 2017 Citizens!

Hey, folks.

Gen Con is approaching super quickly!, and we could still use some Citizens to help us out with running demos. I've heard from a few of you, but having more is always good since our presence is sooooo huuuuuge there.

If you are interested and want to teach games to people, we can get you a badge! Just shoot me an email at

Let your friends know, too. The more, the merrier!

Hey Craig,

I emailed you awhile back (I think a month or two ago?) about volunteering and didn't hear back from you.  I wasn't sure if you were just waiting to contact everyone at once, or if my email got lost in your (probably very, very full) inbox.  Should I just wait for mass contact at some point in the near future, or send you a new email?

Oh! I don’t seem to be able to find anything from you! Definitely send me another one.


Looking forward to my half-con with GTG!  :sunglasses:  Should be a lot of fun! (Let me know if you didn't get my email either, Craig, as there were some details in it.)

Craig, I sent you an email a few weeks back about having me and the team help out at Gen Con. I can send you another if you like, but I don't want to contribute to a bloated inbox if you've already used the old one.

Let me know if you'd like our info again!

I wish I could, but from where I'm at right now, looks like I won't be able to make it. :_(


Cool. Messaged. 

At last :slightly_smiling_face:  Been checking this forum once a week for the past 3 months, and i see this three days late! hope i'm not too late to join in. sent my email.

What's this "half-con" malarkey, Rabit! Haha! Alex and I are in. See you there!

sigh We host friends from out-of-town for Gen Con (Madison and China, to be specific), and one of them has their own booth I also help out with, so half is as much as I can do. :blush:  (Although I invariably end up spending way more than half with GTG.  :wink: )

Seriously considering a GoFundMe or similar for a plane ticket to Indy.

I would contribute!

I'd contribute as well! It's not everyday one could get a chance to meet someone born the exact same day!


Getting close, folks! Make sure you let Craig know if you're interested in joining us!  :grin:

Have there been any mass emails about volunteering since the first one Craig sent out on June 27? I still haven’t heard anything else (aside from a notification from GenCon that GTG purchased a badge for me) and am paranoid that I was accidentally left off the list or something.

Not that I've seen. I'm sure they're hard at work getting things together.

I believe that Craig just sent out an email! If you haven't heard by early afternoon, shoot both of us another email and we'll get you on the list!

Did you get my email Paul? Wasn't sure if I had the right address.

I got it! Sorry for raising the alarm unnecessarily!  I was just afraid something was wrong on my end and/or I wasn't on the list.


Yes! I did! I'm hoping to respond before Gen Con. I think it'll work :D