GenCon "promo"

GTG posted the below link on their facebook page recently:

I inquired about what the "promo" available is for five punches, but never recieved a response. Does anyone know what will be available? I'm budgeting my time and trying to see whether the promo is something I don't already have.

I believe that, for example, it could be a set of variant Hero cards for Sentinels. They have lots of games with promo bits; it may be a "pick one."

It might also be extra Kickstarter backer rewards from their games that just launched. For example, last PAX they were giving away the White Whale promo for New Bedford to anyone who bought the game at their booth.

If it's Sentinels promos, it's probably one of the old ones like the Termi-Nation pack or the original Prime Wardens pack.

All I know is that if you punch 8 people, you get free stuff. <.<

The available promos will certainly include the two promo spirits for Spirit Island, the two promo characters for Lazer Ryderz, and the promo Elder God for Fate of the Elder Gods.

Yeah! It is "choose your own promo out of the pile we have" :)