Global Modifier Card

I was hoping to get some feedback on an idea.

I love the modifier tokens, but there are often times that something affects a vast multitude of targets and suddenly tokens seem in short supply.  I've been trying to find a useful solution.  My best effort is a card (I made is the same dimensions as an oversized card) that represents global groups.

It has sections for

All Hero Targets

All Environment Targets

All Villain Targets

So if something affects all place the token there.  If it affects all Non-Environment cards you place one of the appropriate token on the all heroes and another one on all villains.

This seems to be functional...but I wonder if others have a better solution to the problem...or if they would suggest another breakdown of sections on the card.

I can't seem to get a picture to show up here but I could get it to load on BGG so heres a link to show what I'm using now.


That is a awesome idea. I would follow it, but I don't think regular people would hold up well with it. The way I tend to do it (especially when using the playmat) is if it effects all heroes I put it in the center, if it effects all villians I would put it just outside the line of the villian's section, same with environments outside the environment section. Now if it  effects everyone I put the token in the area that the environment, villian, and players section meet up.

I use something very similar, except I added an "ALL TARGETS" section along the entire left side of token area (overlapping the three other setions, and then combined it with a score track where I keep track of all character hit points as well. 

My only suggestion is to subdue the colors a bit since sometimes it's hard to see the tokens on it if the background is too bright.

I really like using this system as it makes the bookkeeping so much easier.  My friends even thought it came with the game.

Really good idea - it looks slick and would certainly do the job for more complex villain / environment combos.

We actually played a game last night where we ran out of damage reduction markers for the villain targets (never a good thing) and something like this would have made the bookkeeping a whole lot easier.

I have been having thoughts along a similar line so made up a couple of cards to do this. However I prefer to have separate cards as I can just chuck tokens on the card without worrying about which part of the card it is on.

You can check em out here:

I've also put together a card to indicate when a Hero is facing their Nemesis as it's something I constantly forget to apply, it's designed to either sit beside the Hero or tuck underneath showing whichever side is easiest to use. There are some familiar faces on this one :grin:


I hope there's no problem with using Adam's art on the background, if there is then I will naturally pull them.