GSF card boxes

It doesn't look like there will be a need for many of my custom accessories with GSF.  The Sectors, Strike Force Ships, and Opposition Ships will already be oversized, and it looks like everything will be best tracked by the tokens that come with the game rather than any kind of spinners, so that's all good.  I can make card boxes for the 20-card Opposition decks easily (same size as SotM villain boxes).  The only question in my mind right now are how to handle the 90-card (118-card if we hit all the Kickstarter goals) Station cards, and the 8-card Strike Force Ship cards.

I'm going back and forth as to whether or not to make a gigantic 120-card-sized box for Station cards or not.  Would I have to increase its size every time a GSF expansion came out?  At some point I'd run out of room on a single sheet of printer paper and the cards would have to be broken into two or more boxes, which wouldn't be particularly elegant.  Perhaps just using a plastic card box from a gaming store or just storing them loose like most people do currently with SotM would be a better solution.  If anyone has any thoughts or good ideas, I'd love to hear them.

As for the Strike Force Ship cards, the boxes I made for SotM Environments are pretty much the thinnest I think a card box should be, and they're still too thick for an 8-card deck.  I put together a prototype for a card "box" which is really just more of a slip cover with a flap for the 8 starting Strike Force Ship cards, which I think works pretty well.  I know it fits unsleeved cards but don't know if it'll fit penny-sleeved cards with its current dimensions.  If anyone who uses penny sleeves is interested enough to print it out and double-check that for me, that'd be great.

I personally like using dice for the actual ship's stats rather than the tokens.  A spinner for those might be appreciated when the game proper is out.

Do you mean an individual spinner for each installed Tech and another for the ship itself?  I'm not opposed to that (in fact, I'm a little sad at the idea that there won't be tons of fun GSF accessories for me to make ;).  Are you envisioning them being like the quarter-sized hp trackers I've got on my site now, or something else?  From what little I understand of the game, a spinner for tracking overall Weapons and Defense won't work since that total is broken up across multiple Tech cards.

I mean the total on just the ships proper.  They have a total that can be tracked while the individual Techs have W/D points.  It's a way to keep track of the total while still keeping track of the components without covering your entire panel with tokens.  I would still use the tokens for the Tech.  I don't know that I should say anything about how high I think it'd need to go, considering the non-disclosure agreement I metaphorically signed with my $40.

There's plenty of time.  I'll keep it on the backburner until I've learned more.