GSF GenCon Demo Video

Thanks, Pydro!

Also, super nice to meet you yesterday.

Very jelly

It was great to meet you and so many other people from the forum. Well worth the trip.

That demo video is great.  It looks like there have been a couple of changes since the info they released with the Kickstarter:

  1. Decks are played face-up (is this a new thing?  Can't remember)
  2. There's no discard pile.  Your cards go immediately to the bottom of your deck rather than into a discard pile.  That means no shuffling, I assume.
  3. They changed the Energy icon (a good move).  It's a green triangle now.
  4. In combat, multiple ships which engage an enemy designate one as the primary, with the others as secondaries which support the primary ship with bonuses or abilities.

It all looks very good to me, and I'm still super stoked about the game.  One thing that's clear from watching the demo however, is that table space is going to be at a premium with this game.  Lots of large elements with lots of cards surrounding them.  Could be rough for people playing on their kitchen nook table.

Things are really starting to come together with GSF. Looking very shiny!

They could have definitely picked a better backdrop, though… :blush: (That's me in my Ra costume in the background for the first half, running a demo. I had no idea they were filming back there!)

It's a tangent, but there are some cool things in the BACKGROUND of this video. Rabit's already mentioned he's in his Ra costume. Another half dozen or more people in SotM costumes can be seen, and the table on the other side of Christopher is the Sentinels:Tactics playtest table.


Yes, that is relatively new, as is the no-discard-pile thing. It just came up in the most recent build, and it wasn't even officially part of it, but an afterthought that caught on. Also, the icon is green? Darn, I was expecting yellow-orange. Curse these black-and-white playtest files!


Yes, that is relatively new, as is the no-discard-pile thing. It just came up in the most recent build, and it wasn't even officially part of it, but an afterthought that caught on. Also, the icon is green? Darn, I was expecting yellow-orange. Curse these black-and-white playtest files!


I should've paid closer attention and watched Chris discuss the game. I was the creepy guy in the mask in the background in the beginning of the video.