GSF Website Rules

I just went through the GSF website and updated a bunch of images and text (both for typos and rules content). Does anyone see anything on the current website that could use fixing?

The website icon still shows the domain host and not the >G die

Looking at the site on my ipad I can't click on gameplay or the galaxy links as it blocked by the main GSF logo and so it just reloads the page. 


Edit: Not sure if anything changed but it's working fine now. 

Looks great, here!

Couple of comments of the gameplsy section:

You start by talking about components, then gameplay, then the components again.

However, I think it would be more important to put links into the different sections, or a quick layout of the sections. Gameplay only goes up to page 8, then you have components. It looks like the rules last 14 pages, which makes the game seem harder than it is, especially when the rules only last 8.

Looks good to me!

@Pydro - That is a good point. I'll look into ways to possibly alter that.