GTG at Essen Spiel 2012

That’s right! GTG will have a booth at Spiel this year in Essen, Germany. The convention runs from the 18th through the 21st of October. We’ll have more details in the future, but we figured we’d give a heads up to anyone planning to be in the area in October :slight_smile:

Is it possible to pre-order for essen?




We don't have the logistical support at Essen to handle preorders, but we'll be posting our booth number and location soon so that you can stop by and pick it up. For Essen, we will be cash-only, and will have all our games for sale in Euros. We really have no idea what sort of reception we will or will not get at Essen, since our game is in English and is very reading-intensive (and is also not a Euro-game), but we shall see! The more people who stop by the booth, even if you own the game already and just come by to say hi, the better :)

@ Paul,

so what will your booth and hall numbers be?  This will be a rare chance for me to catch Sentinels without paying tremendous fedex fees. :slightly_smiling_face:

We'll be in hall 6, booth 824! Come by and see us! We seem nice!

Alas I won't be able to come to Essen. However friends of mine will and they will be tasked with grabbing as much stuff as they can for me.

Thanks a lot for your quick answer.


I dont think you have to worry about the English part, lots of visitors buy English games. Im coming in from Sweden myself with a group of friends and we play english games 99% of the time. Im diving in for a copy of the enhanced edition asap on Friday :slight_smile:

Thanks for the demo at Spiel in Essen on Thursday. Me and my two friends enjoyed the game and the explanation a great deal, and one of us bought the game, together with an expansion. Personally, I'm regretting now, not picking up a copy :( Might buy a box from a retailer for myself, soon.

Adding to the discussion: we love playing English language games. We actually regretted to have less English language publishers (and more specifically US publishers) at Essen this year.

Hey, Val, how did you think the con was going for >G? Did they look decently busy? Selling much product?


No stress if you don't feel like you could tell - just curious how are guys are doing out there. :slightly_smiling_face:


I'm just a player, and one of my friends directed us to the booth. I have no idea how they were doing, saleswise. However, the hall they were in usually has less traffice than some of the other halls. I hope it went well for them. I really do. As much as some US people love to get their hands on Eurostyle games… well, my little gaming group is thrilled to finally get our hands on the so called 'Ameritrash' :smiley: It's not exactly so easy to get here.

Val, if English isn't your first language, I'm very impressed with your mastery of it.

Essen went fairly well for us! We'd of course love to be in one of the busier halls (halls 10-12 are probably out of the question, but hall 9 would be fantastic). We are going to consider things over the next couple months, but it is reasonably likely that we'll be back next year (especially considering that we'll have 2 to 3 new products by then!)

Do people call it Essen or Spiel? I think I've heard both, but I'm curious what attendees use.

The (very) few times I've heard it, it was either Essen, or Essenspiel.  Never heard Spiel by itself

Both 'Spiel' and 'Essen' are used I think.

Great to hear that things went well and hopefully until next year, in Hall 9 :D