Hi there. So I was a late arrival on the SotM scene. Not by choice mind you. I suffered from a chronic case of real-life-friends-don't-want-to-play and although I was aware of the game I knew there was no point in me getting it. That's why the Video game was such a great release for me but this also meant that most of the combos I was "discovering" were known for years already. However there has always been one that no matter where I looked I never found any threads or posts talking about it. Specifically it was something I never thought would exsist in Sentinels, a Self Contained infinite combo for a hero, specifically Guise.
A self contained infinite? Surely no. However I've personally done it in the SotM video game several times and posted it on other forums to see what people think. So far no one has ever been able to point to something in it that does not work... so I figured I'd bring it to the final frontier and see what you guys think. So here's how to do the combo.
Basically the goal of the combo is to generate a string of never ending plays, draws, healing and damage with Guise however it usually requires a very specific set-up, namely he needs nearly every card in his deck and discard to be drawn into his hand to do it. So once he's drawn every card how does it work? First you need to have Selling Out in play. Then at then end of the environment turn when prompted to discard you discard a Oneshot (NOT Best Card Ever, I generally use Gimmicky Character as that card is pretty useless for the combo). After that each and every time you are about to take an action follow the following rules (ie each time you need to make a decision start from rule 1 going down til you find a rule whose "if clause" is met and then loop back to the top for the next decision):
1. If you are discarding for Selling Out; Always discard a useless One Shot,
2. If you need to play a card AND you have Best Card Ever in hand AND you have at least 2 cards in your deck/discard; play Best Card Ever and raise the roof (the roof is gonna be raised reeeeeeeeeeeeeally high).
3. If you need to play a card AND Selling Out has 0 more plays remaining (after the current play); play Retcon, destroy Selling Out, choose to play a card, play your second Selling Out
4. If you need to play a card AND you have at least 2 cards in your deck/discard; play Where Did I Leave That (If you reach this rule Where Did I Leave That should draw at least 1 copy of Best Card Ever).
5. Otherwise: play pretty much anything you want (this will often come after playing Best Card Ever so you can play any card though avoid playing cards like Gimmicky Character which will add more than 1 card to your discard pile as that could potentiall drop the combo).
If followed you will never run out of Plays as the Retcon -> Selling Out will reset your play counter each time. Further you will end up cycling Best Card Ever a lot letting you redraw your cards often and you will draw more cards than you are playing/discarding and even better every play of Best Card Ever will allow you to deal damage. On top of that you will also end up with “free” plays occasionally which you can use to play any card you want (ie step 5 above) which allows you to play supplemental cards like Guise the Barbarian or Xtrrreeeeeeeeeeeem to overcome damage reduction/redirection. Lastly, if up against an “immune to melee” enemy, you can also play Say Cheese an infinite number of times (again whenever you reach step 5) to finish them off that way. Basically unless the villain has some sort of complete immunity to Melee and Cold damage or some sort of continuous reaction ability (ie when a hero draws/ plays/deals damage something happens) once the combo starts the Heroes win the game.
Like I said, just on face it seems like might be possible to "drop" the combo if you are unlucky with where cards end up during a reshuffle but in extreme situations (ie dealing 200 damage all at once) the combo never dropped and it never has dropped once in all the times I've used it leading me to believe it truly is infinite.
So there it is. Now I know that having every card in hand is kinda a steep requirement and your average player will win long before that. In fact there's an offshoot of this combo involving a certian team in which Guise can use a modified version of this combo on turn 1 garanteed (unless the villian specifically disrupts play/power/damage) to win a majority of games before the villain even gets 2 turns but I'll share that later. Regardless, what do you think? does anyone see a flaw?