Had a Game with Christopher and Adam tonight

Was able to play a game tonight at wizards wagon with Christopher and Adam and another player, Josh tonight. 

We played omnitron advance at omnitron with


Christopher- captain cosmic 


josh- omnitron x

was a long game and we didn't have time to finish but was a nice slug fest. The environment gave us the most trouble and we lost skyscraper at the end but we were able to get him down to 50 before we had to end it.


wanted to say again,thanks for the game tonight Adam and Christopher, I had fun and with this probably being my last day off for the next 3 1/2 months it was worth the two hour drive. :)

I'm assuming these pictures have you in it https://www.facebook.com/sentinelsOTM/posts/1277321292344068

Yup I'm the bald one in the blue shirt