Happy Chanukkah!

Time for latkes and dreidels!

Happy Chanukkah to those who celebrate it. :)

[url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JfJufy7dpO0]I'm glad this holiday is getting appreciated.[/url] [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qSJCSR4MuhU]I find it gets overshadowed by Christmas. Channukah is important too! [/url]

Happy Chanukkah

I want to see Unity make a Dreidel Bot for the annual Megalopolis Chanukah party.

Aha! I found you fellow Hanukkah celebrators!



You feed me tasty food and give me gifts and I will celebrate anything :slight_smile:


And then it can play dreidel so that everyone else doesn't have to!