Happy Halloween 2017 everybody!

Just a little thread to wish everyone a happy and safe Halloween.

I don't have anything right now, but feel free to share costumes and spooky stories here if you like! :D

Happy Halloween to you as well


Nothing to share though, I'm boring this year


We walked our kids and a neighbors kid around, and put out 30 full size candy bars in a basket for people that came by while we were out.  When we got back our neighbor told us that only a few minutes after we left a kid and her parents came by and the parents grabbed all the candy bars.  Tricks on them though, because they're the ones that have to go through life being crappy people.

My daughter dressed as a skeleton, with a really creepy mask.  We kept crossing paths with a group that had this adorable 2yr. old pirate, who would look really scared when he saw my daughter.  Sk she sees them coming, and takes off her mask, hoping to not scare the kid.  The child sees her take off the mask and screams and tries to run away.  Poor kid was terrified and my daughter was upset and all four parents are laughing too hard to help the situation.

One house had a casket with a body, the kind that pop up, and my son does poorly with jump scares so I gave him a heads up that it might move or sit up.  At first he was a bit scared that it was going to jump up and scare him, but when it didn't move or make noise or anything, he got really freaked out.  That night he asked me if I thought it had got up yet.  I still don't know why that bothered him so much (and I am not bringing it up).

I didn't leave anything out, and took my kids trick-or-treating in my neighborhood for the first time since moving out from my ex-wife. (The first year, we trick-or-treated in her old neighborhood; last year I had a commute that didn't let me be home in time and my ex took them.) My son was an army guy (originally intended to be a green plastic army guy, but I got something mixed up about clothes my ex had picked up for him and so he backed off the green makeup when the pants became brown pants); my daughter was a private eye in a yellow trench coat and plaid fedora. I wore a tuxedo and carried a martini glass that was where I collected my own candy.