Happy New Year!

Have a happy and sweet new year!

Shanah tovah!

Wait, I figured it out.

Apples and honey for everyone!

Happy New Year?

[Un]Happy Unification Day, maybe, but now I'm just confused.


Rosh Hashanah, the Jewish new year, started at sundown.

Or starts at sundown if you live in Hawaii.  But yes.


Celebrate by eating something sweet, for a sweet new year!  (Even if you're not Jewish, it's a good excuse to eat something sweet.)

As Arcanist Lupus illustrated above, apples and honey are traditional!

Well then in that case, Happy New Year!


I’m always up for eating sweet things. Happy new year!

Also, eat round things! Bonus if they are sweet *and* round :)

So eat cookies? All for that!

Happy New Year!
