

Only for a given value of Kitten.

I strive for contented. 

It makes the happy moments stand out. 

Never. :(

Why? You gonna do something about it?

Only on Thursdays  :stuck_out_tongue:

or when i am Playing SotM

I never could get the hang of Thursdays.

What about playing SotM on Thursday?

Either way, happy Thursday.


Why are you so interested in my happiness level? Are you calibrating brain trackers you have placed in our brains during the last forum upgrade?

Blink once if you are trapped and can't talk to us. I'll organise a rescue attempt with the help of the many Mr Chomps at >G HQ

This Thursday’s not so bad. My age became a palendrome today!

Mazel tov!

Suddenly, I have a dreadful urge to be merry.

I feel… happy.