Has Anyone Else Ever Scored Negative Infinity?

Allow me to set the scene:

I was playing a solo game with Shimmering Traces Of Madness/Shimmering Path Of Lost Ways, a fan-made Spirit (Here's the link: https://boardgamegeek.com/thread/2055649/spirit-shimmering-traces-madness. I suggest you look over it to understand this post). It was going fine in the begining; I used Signs And Portents, Door Under The Hill and Reflections In The Shattered Mirror to move Explorers to Lands where they wouldn't Build. It all started to go downhill from there when the Stage I and Stage II Jungle Cards showed up one after the other. Soon all the Explorers started to pile up in the Coastel Lands, and then the Coastal Invader Card showed up which added more Explorers (There were about 2-4 in each one). I couldn't stop them from Building because there were so many of them (I didn't have any damaging Majors then). Then they Ravaged (Luckily I had Drift Down into Slumber). I began getting desperate so for the next two Rounds I decided to focus solely on activating the highest levels of Portal Of Madness. But the Fear Cards I got turned out to be useless. When I drew Talons Of Lightning there was a spark of Hope. But I had to spend all my Energy income on it every Round so I could only affect one Land at a time. Then on the nineth Round it Happened. By that time all but a handful of Lands were Blighted and when the Invaders Ravaged in Mountains + Wetlands an already Blighted Land had to Cascade twice before stopping. Then they Ravaged again and History reapeted itself. By the third Ravage ther was no non-Blighted Land left. so, I figured that the Blight should Cascade and then Cascade and then Cascade and then Cascade and then Cascade and then Cascade and then Cascade and then Cascade and then Cascade and then Cascade and then Cascade and then Cascade and then Cascade and then Cascade and then Cascade and then Cascade and then Cascade and then Cascade and then Cascade and then Cascade and then  Cascade and then Cascade and then Cascade and then Cascade and then Cascade and then Cascade and then Cascade and then Cascade and then Cascade and then Cascade and then Cascade and then Cascade and then Cascade and then Cascade and then Cascade and then Cascade and then Cascade and then Cascade and then Cascade and then Cascade, et cetera. All my Presence was Destroyed. I ran out of Blight Pieces. You get the picture.

Then I Scored the Game. The rules say you get -1 for each Blight on the Board and since I technically had an infinite amout of Blight I suppose I Scored negative infinity (-∞).

Well, you can't have an infinite amount of Blight...playing solo you can't have more than seven (two on the front side, then a maximum of five on the flip side), at which point the game would end.


I suppose you're right. I just figured that one is supposed to check for Victory or Defeat after every action and since the Ravaging action includes adding Blight and possibly Cascading one should "finish" that action before checking.

Also, I guess I just wanted to fabricate an epic story.

I’ve recalculated and it turns out I just scored 16. :stuck_out_tongue:

BTW (by the way) you forgot to account for the one starting blight.

I've been in situations where every land was Blighted before! But I managed to avoid putting down any more Blight at that point.

How is this possible? Wouldn’t you have lost the game already before that point?

Let me talk about solo games for simplicity. The standard setup in a solo game has at most 8 Blight: 1 on the island + 2 on the Healthy side + 5 on the Blighted side. So if you get a Blight in every land, you have already lost. But you can get two Blight from the box. The easiest two that come to mind are Heart of the Wildfire (who starts with extra Blight in their homeland) and Sweden level 6.

(There are other ways in Jagged Earth, but I don’t remember if there are other possibilities in the published cards.)

Ahh, good point. Didn’t think about the blight from the box.