Whee, finally have been able to play a game of this…it took a long time, maybe three hours or something, to get through the game. The first round by itself took at least an hour, because I was reading and re-reading the rules to make sure we knew what we were supposed to be doing stuff - took a while just to find out what the green triangles meant because I'd missed that part in the Setup section and hadn't yet thought to look at the back cover of the rulebook ;).
We took the advice of the boko and went up against the…Bareg-Threllian Syndicate, I think it's called. We decided to stick with low-complexity ships for our first game so I played as the Conclave of Niphon and Ja'Ph' took Vigilance.
Combat throughout the game quite freuently consisted of both of us engaging the same ship, with him as Primary and me as Secondary, so I could use my ability thingy and chuck one of the other Opposition ships in the same sector over to another one, while Ja'Ph' demolished the engaged ship in one shot with the various guns and stuff he'd got (some was installed tech while sometimes he got buffed by me). One sector did get overrun but we'd already left it when that happened and never went back to it. The Cryoshade thingy came out after the second (or possible third, I wasn't keeping track) round and we had to keep blasting other ships away before we could go for that one. Finally we had, in our sector, just the Cryoshade and one other ship (a Neo-Elf Infiltrator from the Station deck), so we took one ship each and blew them both up :).
Having now read through most of the posts in this section of the forum, it sounds like the Syndicate aren't actually the best guys to go for in a first game. Oh well, we won anyway :D. Also, it sounds like I might've done something wrong regarding combat damage, having seen a post where someone said you don't take any damage if your shield total is greater than that of the damage being aimed at you. I was just totalling up the shield and weapons for an Opposition ship and if the damage being dealt by our ship (usually Vigilance - I was only the primary engager once…or maybe twice, I can't remember) was greater than that total, that was the ship dead. Meanwhile we subtracted the Opposition ship's weaponry total from Vigilance's shields. Example - "Okay he has shields of three and weaponry of two so that's five, so you need to do at least five damage to kill him…and you have fifteen weaponry in total so he's a teeny bit dead. Meanwhile he hits you for two, so take two off your shields." I think I need to re-read the combat bit and see what I missed there, because it sounds like we maybe weren't supposed to be killing stuff as easily as we were, but nor should they have been plinking down Vigilance's shields as much as they did…
Anyway…it was pretty good fun. Very long game, yes, but we expected that for a first run when neither of us had the faintest idea of the rules ;).