Hazard spaces

I'm pretty sure how this works, but a couple of sentences in the FAQ made me wonder...  is a "hazard space" a hex in a hazard source's area, or is it the set of hexes that make up the area?  basically if I start my turn adjacent to blazing tornado, then move to one hex to another hex in the tornado's area, then end my turn, will the tornado trigger twice?


Each Hex is a seperate hazard space, so be careful.

In your example it would trigger twice.

Edit: the below post is right, an Impulsion turret will only trigger once per turn for any reason, because anything else breaks the game.

Except impulsion turrets 'cause of combos.

So in the 2nd Scenario of the Baron Blade campaign, when blade is setting up turrets. If I placed a turret that has a Hazard radius of 2, if tachyon wants to melee attack it, would she take the hit for moving in to range 2, then take another hit when she moves adjacent to it. I am asuming it also stacks so if there was a hex where a hero was 2 hexes away from multiple turrets, they both would fire.

Correct on both counts.  The only hazard space that only triggers once per turn is the Impulsion Turret, as there were infinite move shenanigans when two Impulsion Turrets were near each other.

Just some final clarifications. Does each implosion turret trigger once per turn? I assume this is the case, but do attacks from hazard spaces need line of sight?


Yes to both, Impulsion turrets are once per turn, and all hazard attacks require line of sight.


The only attacks that don't require line of sight say they don't.


It is important to note that Hazard Attacks made from non-target tokens (like Impaling Structure and Ra's Fire Tornado) are made by the character, but the origin of the attack is the marker, so Ra can attack someone he can't see with his tornado, because the tornado can see them.

Tornadoes can see! So it was targeting Dorothy!

Ending her turn in the cellar was her mistake, and the bicycle lady/witch rode right into it.

I thought of an awesome/wierd strategy.


I know that if you are pushed into a hazard space the hazard attack activates.


If the Operative uses Kusarigama to pull someone, and they are pulled through multiple hazard spaces, would they be attacked multiple times? Also if she has Hidden Blade Strike she'd attack them for entering her hazard space as well. I'm specifically thinking of a Blazing Tornadoe in between Operative and her target.


I'd have to double check, but I'm pretty sure Kusarigama just picks them up and puts them adjacent to the Operative. Otherwise you have weird "shortest path" rules that have to exist, or else she can move you in circles around the tornado 20 times on the way to her. It does trigger hazards (like Hidden Blade Strike) in the space they end up in, for sure.

THanks, Lutherbellhdricksv!  I was pretty sure this is what would happen, but I didn't want to pipe in with wrong info.


As far as I saw it simply states they are "moved", which would indicate to me that they would travel through the intervening spaces. I sort of get the shortest route problem, but the shortest route would normally be self explanatory would it not?

I remember that got asked in playtesting and the answer was it worked the same as Omnitron and Baron Blade when they rocket Jump or Teleport.

The wording should probably be the same as Teleport and Rocket Jump.


Well dang, I knew it sounded to good to be true.


Still Operative is kind of scary.

Luther is correct! (as one might expect :) ) Kusarigama effectively "teleports" the target that it moves. She is still crazy-strong in any environment with Hazard Spaces, and I am surprised that we have not seen more Operative in tournament play - she absolutely ruins several strategies that have historically done pretty well.

I second that.  Operative is a killer.