Hero of the Month Club (Make it happen, GTG)

Just throwing this out there as I did a search and haven't found that anyone else suggested it (or I just used the wrong search terms), but how about a monthly SOTM subscription plan?


Here's how it could work.  We pay $60 or $70 up front at the beginning of the year and at the beginning of each month, we receive a new hero,villain, or environment in the mail. How cool would that be?  It would be like the old days of getting our comics mailed to us (flat!).   This is where you can stick all the odd characters that don't fit into any upcoming expansions.  Or maybe it's four complete characters and the rest are made up of alt promo character cards for established characters.  


This is your fault for making a game that my gaming group and I have gone nuts over.  The monster must be fed.


Make it happen, guys.


Thanks in advance. 

It would probably need to be a little more than that just to cover shipping, but count me in too!

love the idea... i don't think it would cost effective; Plus it usually takes us acouple of months of playtesting, plus a couple of months to get to the printer and back. Be a long set up to get enough together to do one a month, with little return.


But it would be nice


I'm just the greedy consumer that wants more more more.  I don't care how many playtesters burst into flames from having to churn through a merciless assembly line of new characters.  Make it happen, people.  Chop chop!


(P.S. While I'm thining about it, where's our flying cars, science?  This is 2013, why is it still taking so long for things to exist so I can have them?)

Please make it available to international fans at envelop prices.

I got an idea. Instead of a new hero or villain every month, how about, an alternate art of a hero or villain every month!It would be easy to do as you only replace the character card in question. In other card games alternate arts are pretty snazzy and used as rewards (mtg being one of them) and I love droping my alternate art FMN Letherback Baloth and Boneyard Wurm's because the different art made them special.


I drew Unity a while back, I can lineart and color her and BOOM! First alternate art! ( Yay shameful self promotion!)


I'd love it, but shipping over to here is insane

I still say this should happen. Alternate art cards are always neat!

How about decreasing the cost and making it print and play?  That way if the deck doesn't work for you ("Huh, Hippie Hero who turns the villian deck's ongoings into meat-eating flowers?  Don't think so), you can forgo the deck if you wish.  These could be non-official "also rans" and other ideas that don't pan out for finished products. 

Yes, >G, I'm suggesting that your fans would play for your File 13s.