Hero Specific Tokens

I love the tokens provided with this game, but I think there's a token niche that can still be filled if ever >G has a desire to provide another sheet of tokens in the future:  Hero "Specific" Tokens for non-standard boosts and bonuses.

I can't think of a lot of examples off the top of my head, but here's a few and anyone can feel free to add more suggestions:

Cold Damage Dealt +1 (Focussed Apertures)

Cold Damage Taken +1 (Cryo Chamber)

Fire Damage Take -1 (Cryo Chamber)

Next Damage Taken -1 (Stealth) [Would require two tokens, but -1 is usually more versatile]

Immune to Environment Damage (Danger Sense)

For that matter, do they have Healing +1 tokens for Phosphorescent Chamber?  What about tokens for highest and lowest HP.  They could do Highest Hero HP, Highest Villain HP, Highest HP, Lowest Hero HP, Lowest Villain HP, Lowest HP.  I'm sure there are others I can't think of.  I would even consider designing and printing these for myself if I could come up with enough to rationalize printing a whole sheet.

Fire damage dealt +1? Does Ra have something that does that?

Next damage dealt +1 is something Haka definitely has, and probaby others.

Nemesis tokens could be very useful.

Damage redirection tokens could be useful, for The Visionary's decoy and for things like the Sturdy Barrel in Silver Gulch.

On Power Use/On Card Draw/On Card Play tokens for villain cards like Vigilance or Apostate's Tome. Likewise, a Start of Hero Turn for things like Treacherous Ape, Start of All Turns for Divine Focus, or Start of Environment Turn for End of Days/Apocalypse.

On Damage Taken would be very useful for all sorts of things.

Is there an Artscow kind of way to make those even if they aren't something >G wants to do?  Would be cool to have exactly the token you need.

I would just caution that you really make sure you will use them before you spend time making them. Twilight Struggle has a separate token for each card that has an ongoing effect. When I first saw them I said nice this will be useful, but stopped using them before the end of the first game. It just took too much time between each card play to find the right token, and half the time we didn't need the help because we knew what cards we played. Obviously it might be different by you, but I just wanted to bring up that something like this has been done before in other games (and I didn't find it that useful).

Yeah, I keep a bag of gem counters and similar stuff that I use as generic counters when things like this are needed. I also throw on in any nemesis hit point piles to remind us, whenever we take anything out of that pile, to take into account the nemesis rule. It doesn't matter which one we use, so long as that type isn't already used for something else, so we don't have to take time to find the "right one". Works pretty well for me!