Hero turn order?

I know that I was taught the game to move in a circle through the hero turns. I looked through the rule book and could not find that this is actually a rule…and I like it that way.

So, is the intent that the turn order for the heroes to be static and not change throughout the game? Or, is it not written and the players can decide to send their heroes into the fray as they see fit from turn to turn?

I really like the idea of a more freeform turn for them as situations come up that I might want to see my team mate act prior to me in a specific turn.

It is actually a rule that the turn order proceeds clockwise. From the rule book:

[quote=“” SotM Official Rule Book""]
The game begins with the Villain turn, then proceeds clockwise around the table through each of the Hero turns, ending the round with the Environment turn.

Actually ran into someone recently who thought the hero turn order was supposed to be dynamic. We discussed how this would work, the consequences, etc. It certainly would make things easier on the heroes, giving them strong advantages. In some games - especially if Tachyon is in the game - there might be moments of forgetting who had and hadn’t played. But it also increases player interaction and cooperation (as everyone would have to agree on turn order before moving forward) and it would probably speed individual turns, as the strategy for that round would have already been discussed.

Thematically, there is definitely justification for it, as comic heros often leap into the fray in variable order, depending on the situation, dramatic need, etc.

I’m very glad the rules are explicit that this isn’t the intention, but I’m also glad we have the ability to play in any order. It’s like playing Brawl by turns instead of real-time: I will probably never do it, but I’m glad it’s something others can take advantage of. 8)


Right. As per any rule, we’re not going to hover over you with a bat and insist you do it EXACTLY THE WAY WE SAY! We have reasons for the choices we made, and we consider them correct, but if you want to play it that every hero draws three cards every turn, or get to regain HP whenever they deal damage, or whatever goofiness you can come up with, go right ahead!

That said, we highly suggest giving the game a shot as written - it’s full o’ goodness! Most changes, like dynamic turn order, make it easier for the heroes. If you need it to be easier, then those are decent options. If you need it harder, Advanced mode should give you plenty of challenge, and if not, you need to show me how Advanced Mode against Voss treats you.

Or, even better, against The Matriarch. shudders

I mostly ignore the “clockwise” rule while typically following it. The only time I really don’t follow it is if I do a “counter clockwise” style. Basically, as long as the villian goes first, environment goes last, and all heroes take their turn in the same order, it’s technically following the rules.