Highest HP


This probably seems stupid question, but as it has come up, better to ask it over.

X deals damage to highest HP target.    If there's two or more targets with the same hp (and none has more) players can decide who takes the damage.

Now the question came up regarding to the T-Rex from environment deck. Deals X damage to the second highest HP target. Just to be absolutely sure I'll make up an example.

Legacy  - 20hp

Haka   - 20hp

Visionary   - 20hp

Ra  - 16hp

Every other target has below 16hp.

Who gets the damage? Do heroes get to choose from the first three who has 20hp, or the actualy second amount of hp currently in the game (ie 16hp - Ra) gets the damage. As we're not native speakers and I'm not 100% sure we're playing it correct, I thought its better to ask it over. (Problem probably arises from semantics and understanding the small nuances between english and our native language).


I interpret it as one of the 20s takes the damage, chosen by the players. This may not be the correct approach, however.

I agree, the players decide between Legacy, Haka, and Visionary.

Christopher confirmed this here: http://sentinelsofthemultiverse.com/forum/topic/who-second-highest

Why do we think that? In the example, it could easily be said that there are three tied for highest and one with second highest, and since the card says to damage the one with second highest, that would be Ra. I suppose though, if that we're the rules, then as long as all targets had the same hp, the T-Rex would never damage anyone, which wouldn't be right either. 

Ra doesn't have the second highest. He has the fourth highest.

So does that mean that Legacy, Haka, and Visionary all have the highest, second-highest, and third-highest hp? As in, all three of them are all three of those things at once?

Players' choice.

In the EE rulebook it says


Additionally, there are times when players may encoutner ambiguous situations, such as tied to HP. In any ambiguous stuations, the players choose the outcome.


so yes, while Trex says that I have to ask real quick... What was the Villian HP? Because he was likely the Highest HP target, and then all the heroes above would be tied for 2nd place. Meaning the above rule comes into place, making it player choice.


(remember, trex says The second highest /target/ other than itself, and anything with HP is a target)

Actually Spiff, racing among other things told us that when 3 people are tied in first place, the next racer is in 4th position, not 2nd. 

So there is no racer in second place, meaning the racers could never be eaten by a T-Rex, I guess. ;)