Just curious how people determine their Heroes. If you and your group choose a different way than the options above, feel free to send me a message and I’ll add it.
None of the above? I’ll generally choose based on who others choose. For example, if no one has chosen a “brute” character, I often will. If no one has chosen someone with removal capabilities (“support”), I’ll often take one of those. It also depends on my mood, as I might be more inclined to play a brute if I’ve had a bad day at work.
The closest you have is “based on who we like”, so that’s what I voted. 8)
Not really any of those for me, either. I’m all random all the time. My groups usually choose somebody they want to play, regardless of the villain. I’ll take a random pick last unless I really think the team needs something, usually Ongoing destruction. In which case I’ll randomly choose between one of the guys that has that.
Each person is dealt 2 random heroes and picks 1.
Sort of a combination I guess. Occasionally I do random. Often I pick based on other heroes. Often I just pick who I like. Sometimes I pick characters I think are weak just because I want to see if I can make them good (hardly ever with any success).
What he said.
I just pick who I feel like playing that day. I think so does everyone else in my group.
I usually play a random hero by rolling a d12. Though if I am playing with a group who wants to pick the heroes then I will choose the one I like most. I also choose villians and environments randomly, unless someone hasn’t went up against a villian and would like to.
A mixture of choice and/or random depending on how many people are playing and what I feel like at the time… probably more weighted towards random selection though as I have yet to choose a favourite hero and am still feeling my way through the decks
I think that random is best, since it creates scenarios we’d never think of on our own, plus it keeps the game fresh and interesting since you’re always playing different characters. So far we’ve been playing 2 player / 4 heroes, and picking a random group of 4 heroes, then selecting which of those are our heroes from that group.