Hypothetically, were the three of us GTG folks (Christopher, Adam, and I) to run a GTG Game Day the weekend of 19-20 Oct, 2013 at Leisure Games in London, who would be interested and likely to attend?
This is all hypothetical for now, and is pending all sorts of logistics being worked out, but we are flying to Europe anyway for Essen the following week, and could in principle fly into London instead of Dusseldorf, and then catch a train or a connecting flight to Essen on Monday. Mike at Leisure Games is already open to the idea, but I'd like to get an idea of how many people are interested, etc. We'd do mostly what Christopher does on his trips to Indianapolis, etc: play games, chat about games, give out promo cards, etc.
A perusal of the internet also seems to indicate that there are cheaply-priced hotels and pubs that serve real ale nearby - can anyone local confirm or deny these suspicions?
Omg GTG in London!!! YAY yes we are both interested (my partner and I). And it's at a weekend, so work wouldn't be an issue (even if we've got new jobs by then and end up working weekends or something, we'll say in advance that we are busy on those days, lol). It's really far up in London (we will be approaching from the southeast corner, usually arriving in Victoria) but hey, that's what an all day Travelcard thingy is for - yay for the Tube ;).
Paul, I can confirm that warm, flat lager and flea ridden youth hostels are the very province of North London. But we do have a few classy joints too, it's a big city after all.
Possibly. It'd take 3.5 hours-ish for me to get to Leisure Games, and knowing far enough in advance would mean I could get really cheap public transport...
… well, I've got nothing. The trouble with living here is I don't spend a lot of time in the local hotels and in any case I'm right down south of the river. I can recommend some lovely places to stop for refreshmant around Surrey and Buckinghamshire though that's a bit of a trek from Finchley! Of course, there is always the traditional Tube map pub crawl if you are at a loss for something to do. Just not the night before you fly.
Bumping this as I have just finished reading through the 5000+(!) messages from when I was away from the forums for a few weeks and have only just read this thread, I too am an Englander and would be there with bells on, roll on October (and a firm Yes from the GTG crew!)