I have seen Ragnarok and it was metal.

Comedic, but metal.

That is all.

So hahnium?


Slow claps

Today, friends, Matchstickman has taken home the Dub (nium)

So metal.

I loved it, which is a first for the Thor films.

Also, so many New Zealanders! Apparently the Thor part of the MCU is in Oceania.

I actually only had one student appreciate the story about how the man who discovered Gallium may have named it for himself as well as his native France. :frowning:

The nerve of that man!

Yeah, I definitely enjoyed this one a ton! I didn't know anything about Korg or Miek before this...now I want them to have their own mini series or something.

Unfortunately, the majority of people I went with thought it was terribly boring and didn't understand the plot because it was "all over the place." I was so hyped to be excited with people about everything we had just witnessed and they were all pretty stoic. Meh!

I got a massive "Guardians of the Galaxy' vibe from all the way back when I saw the first trailer, and it's got nothing to do with the alien world that they visited. More and more Marvel Movies seem to be going the comedy route. I can appreciate that, I just hope that the comedy doesn't end up taking away from the story in future movies down the line...

It's actually pretty cleverly done.

Gallium is officially named for Gaul, the old Roman name for France. (This crowd seems likely to know that, but I'm going to spell all this out anyway).

The discoverer's last name was leCoq, which means "rooster" in French.

The scientific name for the farm chicken just happens to be gallus domesticus.

I teach in a pretty rural community, and I still had to walk all the kids through that one.

I thought the movie was very uneven, with way too much bathos.For a movie where there are so many deaths , it's too comedic.I hope this style which has come from Guardians doesn't spread more. It will remove those movies uniqueness. I hope the infinity wars film let a serious moment happen without spoiling the effect with humour.

Infinity War(1 &2) is the big buildup movie this phase I think, so here's hoping.

Again, I don't mind the humor in Marvel movies, it's just that I think that it has a right place and time. If a joke fits in well, then put it in. If a moment is supposed to be serious, let it be serious.

We just came out of it a few hours ago, and man was that fun!

I loved the spaceships and the colors. It was a very cool art style, melding the techno-medieval of Thor with the shiny-Fifth-Element vibe of Guardians of the Galaxy.

I think, for all its humor, there were a fair amount of serious scenes. Thor reconciled with Loki. Heck, Thor had a heart-to-heart with Hulk, who was the most verbal and emotive he’s ever been. That scene was also plenty funny, but it didn’t feel like jokes until Thor threw the ball at the window.

Also, since I think of everything in Sentinels terms now, I enjoyed very much the scene where Thor unlocked his God of Thunder variant card.

My favorite line that was not in a trailer came from Sir Anthony Hopkins. "What are you? Thor, God of Hammers?"

Funny, I thought of that moment more in RPG terms.  The exact thought that went through my mind was "looks like Thor just upgraded his character".

Also, on the 'viewing things through a Sentinels lense', I couldn't help but compare Thor's greater power to how we're seeing various heroes getting to be pretty over-powered leading up to OblivAeon, but they're not OP because against OblivAeon it's still not enough.  With Infinity War coming, I get the impression Thor's going to need everything he can muster.

Sentinels/RPG comparisons aside, I enjoyed Ragnorak very, very much.




I also enjoyed it immensily.

I actually referenced it in my D&D session yesterday, where I play a Goliath Barbarian.

A large Demon (Orcus, Demon Prince of the undead, specifically) was attacking a city (clearly, we're close to the end of the campaign).  At one point, my teammates were contemplating trying to talk him down.

"But... giant monster!" was all I said in that whole conversation.  They listened to me.  (granted, we didn't need him to take anything down.)


No, I didn't get the kill shot.  But I did do over 1/4 of his HP in damage in one round (Yeah, crits!)

And now that Justice League is out, which do people prefer more? I actually liked Justice League more out of the two (except for a few parts that are spoilers). I know it was grittier and darker overall, but I found the story to be more interesting and I'll take a decent story over jokey banter any day.

Oh yeah, I forgot that was a thing. Wonder Woman wasn't quite enough to buy my good graces entirely...

I haven't been interested in JL, and I kind of think that JL to Ragnarok is going to be an apples-to-oranges comparison. JL vs. Avengers is probably the better comparison.

Totally true, but they're just the most recent things =P

Ragnarok with lot of fun. Totally normal statement.

they really need to let serious moment be serious and not put jokes in all over the place. Very happy they had a lot of Kirby art style in it. I hope they keep it weird.