I know it’s cancelled but…

What was prime war going to be? Was it kind of like Marvels Civil war? Or was it something else entirely? I can’t seem to find any info on it so I was wondering if anyone knew for sure.

Essentially an updated version of Sentinel Tactics. PvP superhero fights, on a field of hexagons of varying “heights”, playing cards to boost your side, or hurt the other side.


You can get a feel for it using this PNP Meanwhile… in your printer! – Lore Forge Games


Are you looking for the mechanical question, or what the narrative of the Prime War is?

The full narrative can be found here, in Episode 80 of the Letters Page. The short version is that five powerful interdimensional beings, some of which were Singular Entities and some of which were not, were essentially having a fight over what the Multiverse should look like now that Oblivaeon was gone, and were sending their agents into various worlds to try and tilt things in their directions. Each of their teams was a mixture of superheroes and villains drawn from different timelines, and the Mist Storm version of the Prime Wardens end up spread across three of the five teams (Preservation, Glory, and Conquest.)


And if you are tossing up whether or not to give those print-and-play materials a try, let me ABSOLUTELY encourage you to do so - the game is super fun! Having both players/teams pick their actions simultaneously makes play flow pretty smoothly, and resolution is quite straightforward too. Characters feel pretty tough, all having their own ways to be over-the-top powerful.
(Well, except Sky-Scraper, but I get the impression she didn’t get a lot of playtesting before cancellation)

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