I was really hoping the web site would get an update this week with more information about this game.
Also would like info on being a beta tester.
Sentinels is one of our groups favorite games and we are all looking forward to this game!!!
I was really hoping the web site would get an update this week with more information about this game.
Also would like info on being a beta tester.
Sentinels is one of our groups favorite games and we are all looking forward to this game!!!
is there any particular reason you were expecting an update _this week_ specifically?
as for beta testing, my understanding is that the beta testers are the ones who were beta testing Sentinels (who in turn were picked based on their kickstarter backing). So maybe (and i speak with no authority here what so ever) if they add more beta testers at some point it may similarly be the result of those who partake in the kickstarter if and when one should come up for GSF.
When they get the Kickstarter up for GSF, there will be a playtester option that you can kick in for. Other than being good friends / family with the >G folks, that's been the only way to become a playtester to date.
Is playtesting only for the specific game or all >G games??
I forgot where the post was but Christopher has recently confirmed there are no SOTM promos in the GSF KS campaign only GSF promos.
It is so much fun and SO cool seeing your name in the rulebook while actively participating in shaping these games. Playtesting for Sentinels has been a blast, and GSF is shaping up to be pretty awesome, too!
Is there any timeline on when this will be on kickstarter. I love sentinels and GTG and can't wait to get a look at this game and the art. And if course to back it. I'm missed all the sentinels ones but I will be onboard from day one when this hits kickstarter
I have to admit I think there's been too much time between the big announcement of GSF's existence and any kind of follow-up information of any kind too. Even if there's still a while before it makes it to Kickstarter, >G really should drop a couple more crumbs for people to keep them hooked.
More information will be dropped in due time (where due time is quite soon). Work on GSF, including the release of addition information, was largely put on hold during the month of March due to Kickstarter shipments and PAX East. We are now concluding the work related to those events and, after we finish helping Adam move to St. Louis from Los Angeles, 90% of Greater Than Games worktime (which is quite a lot of work time, even when in standard 60-80 hr/wk mode instead of 120 hr/wk crazy kickstarter packing mode) will be devoted to Galactic Strike Force!
Quick bits of info to whet your appetites!
1) I got a detailed look at several dozen space ships this morning from one of our 3D modelers, and they look *awesome* so far.
2) Now that the Kickstarter has ended, I've begun to revisit the lore of the GSF world and am currently working on an overview of galactic history since the Acherontic Cataclysm and the fall of the Demi-Autarchs.
3) A new Playtesting set should be released to the Playtesting Forum some time in the next several weeks. Christopher has some awesome ideas to significantly improve the [Redacted] and make the [Redacted] way more fun. I for one am thrilled to get back into playtesting!
4) I just got some box options and [Redacted] samples from the manufacturer! Super Thrilling!
That's the stuff. Thanks, Paul!
Infernal Relics Kickstarter was launched on 17 Apr 2012 and it barely made it to GenCon.
If that's any indication, Kickstarter should start as soon as possible.
The goal is Gencon, but its been stated they wont push it if its not ready.
And as a playtester, Ill put my voice in to say 'its fun, I enjoy it, but its not ready yet. It needs more work'
It will get there, just needs a couple more revisions to find its sweet spot then it will be ready for the lime light, but its not ready yet. Soon. But not yet.
True, but hopefully there won't be another Typhoon. I mean, there's only one in the deck, right?
Oh, I'm sure we've gone through the entire Environment deck a few times by now…
Oh, Akash'bhuta just shuffled the environment deck. Again.
Wait… who put a C'thulu card into the environment deck???
If we join as a playtester for GSF during the KS would GSF be finished or still possible to help play test the game.
Would definitely like to see what else you guys got in the works and get a preview at Vengeance if possible. ><
If it is like the past KS, you would join in at the tail end of the playtesting. There will still be some final touches (and you will have access to the game), but most of the major playtesting will be done by then.