If you see a thread that is created by a spam account, be forewarned that when I delete the account that created that thread, I'm going to choose the option to also delete the thread itself.
SO, if you post in that thread, your post is going to be lost.
Matchstickman, you asked about whether or not there used to be or still is a 'Notify Admin' button. I don't remember. I agree such a think would be nice to have. I'll ping Joel about it.
Is there actually a way to see who's a Mod/Admin? This forum doesn't seem to show such things in the left-hand section (where avatars are shown), in fact it doesn't even show a post count. Has it always been this way or is that just something that never got added back in during a previous update? Some forums have a note in the left-hand column to say whether someone is a Member or a Mod or whatever, while others have people's names in different colours depending on their status. I just thought it might be useful to tell, at a glance, who's in charge ;).
If we can't get a notify feature then a single stickied thread, possibly in the general forum, headed "Report spam here" could be created and then users can post there with a link to the offending thread/post, it would save the poor, tired admins from searching everywhere for spam.
I'm not so worried about seeing the spam – I see everything that's posted. I'm more worried about if someone is misbehaving and it's deep in a thread that I'm not paying close attention to.