InConJunction 2013

I will be running Sentinels at InConJunction 2013 (Indianapolis, July 5-7) on Sat and Sun from 10am to 2pm.


Anyone else planning to attend?


InConJunction is a local, modest SciFi convention. Gaming is a minor part of the convention. 


I'm getting a free badge for running games for 8 hours. If others are interested in doing the same, we could potentially coordinate. I recommend contacting the games coordinator directly (Kat, and perhaps cc'ing me (Andy,


I'm debating being there to run some Cold Steel Wardens and get buzz going before GenCon, but it really depends on my financial situation at the time.

Perhaps I'll see you there!

First day went well. My table was full most of the four hours. Lost to Iron Legacy, but beat Advanced Ennead with three heroes!

Second day also went well, with the table full the entire time. There were people waiting to play when I showed up at a quarter to 10!

Epic wins against The Dreamer, Citizen Dawn, and Iron Legacy. The Dreamer almost never managed to keep a projection on the table for more than a single round. Dawn never flipped! Between Take Down, Mist bound, and the Infrared Eyepiece, she never got another citizen out of her deck after the initial four. Absolute Zero had two turns in a row with both modules, Thermal Shockwave, and Hoarfire to finish her off. Iron Legacy fell due a barage of Ongoing destruction from NightMist, a massive Omnicannon attack, and a bunch of other attacks. Combined HP of the five heroes at the end of the game was 10.