
Just an fyi to people in Indianapolis -- there's actually another local gaming convention the week before Who's Yer Con.

IndyCon ( does _not_ schedule events (or at least not many). The way it works, apparently, is that there is a library of games and people are welcome to check out whatever games they want and play them. It's similar, I expect, to what I've seen at both GenCon and Origins.

Anyone else planning to attend?


Though it's a relatively small convention, it _is_ focused exclusively on board games. In comparison, Who's yer Con, while focused primarily on gaming, has lots of RPGs, and InConJunction only has games as a sidelight, with its main focus being SciFi/Fantasy.


IndyCon: March 8-10, $35 for three days, $20 for one day; North side

Who's Yer Con: March 15-17, Free (though they'll encourage you to become a member of Who's Yer Gamers, which costs like $20, if I remember correctly); West side

InConJunction: July 5-7, $50 at the door, ($40 before May 12, $45 before June 30); East side


For IndyCon I plan to just show up and, where appropriate, encourage people to try out Sentinels. Steve is organizing a slate of Sentinels events for Who's Yer Con. For InConJunction I will try, like last year, to get a free badge by offering to run Sentinels for enough hours.

IndyCon is somewhat like the games room at GenCon.  They don't really have their own library (I believe), they use games from the organizer's own collections.  Atendees also bring in games to add to the library.  I'll definitely be there again this year.

Thanks for the heads up. I hadn't heard about a couple of those. Of course, I can't attend any due to a show running at the same time, but it's nice to keep in mind for the future. Ever since I attended Geekway to the West thos few years ago, I can rarely manage to turn down several days of straight, unstoppable gaming.

I doubt I'll be going to either IndyCon or Inconjunction.  I don't like paying entrance fees (says the guy who is about to pay $140 for two nights hotel room at Who's Yer Con which is only 6 miles away).

Just an FYI IndyCon is a private convention, by invite only.  



IndyCon has ended. I had a very good time. I ended up playing Sentinels five times and all other games a total of six times. :)


>G had provided some raffle prices and one of the people who one a set was someone I'd taught the game to Fri night who'd fallen in love with it. She was _VERY_ happy. I have a picture of her recreating the moment of her joy. Will try to remember to post a link to it when I get it off the camera.