Iron Legacy

He's bad, he's mad, and he's out to stop your evildoing!

And he only has/starts with his hero-usual 32HP. Interesting.

Legacy DOES die in our timeline! That's depressing. So, is Iron Legacy supposed to be crossing over to our timeline, or is the story of him fighting the Freedom Six supposed to be unrelated? I was under the impression that he crosses over to the main timeline, and the Freedom Six follow him.

But this doesn't mean much! Omnitron has 100, and he ain't no Chairman!

A while ago, I remember Christopher saying that there was a timeline split due to the deaths of three characters. We've known one has been Young Legacy for a while, now we've got confirmation that Finest Legacy is the second, but is there a third death we're missing?

Very awesome! I'm surprised by the lower HP so I'm thinking he might work similar to Baron Blade (defeat, flip).

ooh, wouldn't that be IRONic.

Human Unity?

And… Maia Wraith! DUn dun dun dun dun dun…

Gotta bust that armor first.

Evandan55 : maybe Baron Blade. He was his first victim, in the iron timeline...

I would rather have had the "alternate" timeline be the official one. It would have been even more tragic to know that beloved Legacy is destined to become a tyrant. But I'm guy who likes awful, dark, bitter and heart crushing predestination tales :D

I'll say this like I did in the comments.

Am I the only one who sees an Eye of Sauron in the background?



He is definately not Baron Blade.  He has the same 32 HP on both sides.  And he appears to be incredibly difficult.  In fact, I've found that difficulty is somewhat inversely proportional to HP.  E.g., higher HP villains tend to be easier than lower HP villains.  In the general case, not every specific case.

Then you would love Age of Apocalypse, or Age of X. They are not happy. People die die. Death, destruction, misery and pain. I think it's somethng that will bring a little joy to your life!

UXM266 : Haka brings joy in my life already, dark future or not :)

Wonder if you can have all of the Freedom Six face off against Iron Legacy.


A clash where you get Finest, Greatest and Young Legacy to fight Iron Legacy would be interesting.

Speaking as a playtester who had a match against him with the Freedom Six last night... It's very possible and fun. BUT THAT'S ALL I'LL SAY.

It's your game play it how you want, I always figured 3-5 was just a recomendation.

We all knew this was coming, but it's great to finally see him.

I've had a thought - all of Finest Legacy's cards refer to himself as Legacy, so that when you're playing with Newest Legacy (and later Greatest Legacy), everything still works as planned. Following this logic, if you're playing as Finest vs Iron, then Lead from the Front would allow you to redirect all damage to heroes to Iron Legacy instead.

Obviously that's not how it's meant to work, and nobody would really choose to do it that way, but a strict following of the card text would seem to allow for it.

I can also confirm that he is certainly the final boss of this expansion. He is a ton of fun, and everything I'd hoped he'd be.

For the third Character Death, could that be The Assistant's death that causes the timeline split......