Iron Legacy

They will be if you put them there. As I said, the wiki is in no way officially connected with GTG.

That's true, so I think it'll stick to keeping all the info from official statements and those little bits of information we get from the GTG guys. All speculation has to stay here!

I'm not that suprised by Legacy's in-universe death (it's on his character incapacitated card), and I feel that may happen even after the story of sentinels of the multiverse is over. But at any rate I'm pretty excited to fight Mr. Iron Legacy. I hope he's not as annoying to fight as the chairman, though...

Having just seen the updates I now demand that the story chalenges be updated to include:

All in the family: Play a game against Iron Legacy using Finest Legacy, Youngest Legacy and Greatest Legacy.

If you need voice actors or otherwise for that, let me know.  I've been wanting to get into some SotM projects for a long time.  I don't have any written work and lack artistic talent, but I'm driven, I have ideas, and love this game.

I would also be interested in any community-related movies or somesuch. My technical know-how is not the best, but I do have a theatrical back-ground, and I would love to be apart of anything that involves this game. 

So with people clamouring to have a hero card depicting the Fallen Legacy, I had a thought:

Reckless Justice: Power: Deal H melee damage to a villain target. Deal 1 psychic damage to H hero targets.

Might actually work as a game mechanic, and it fits thematically.

That was exactly the same mechanic I was thinking.

definitely be interesting to try out.

Though I was thinking it to be Melee to other guys too as a way of other Heroes restraining Legacy or getting hit from debirs caused by his might, but psychic works as well.

That's great thematically, but very powerful. I'd recommend H-2.

Also, for those of you asking about my movie, I do plan on making it, but I'm going to have to wait a while for a few reasons.

  1. Movies cost money, and I'm not exactly rolling in enough money to fund a movie like this. I really want this to be my best work possible, so I don't want to just force it despite not having money and wind up with a terrible product. When I release this in a few years or so, I want this to be amazing. It doesn't have to be flawless, but I don't want to put out something that someone who doesn't even study/pursue filmmaking could make. I want it to reflect my skills and at least be considered a decent amatuer film. But…

  2. I hate my own writing. I've got the script, but I wrote it on my own and I've never been happy with it. I need to find a decent writer or two (I know a handful) who I can have edit or even rewrite the script. I'm better operating a camera than I am with writing.

  3. I need to find dedicated actors, stunt coordinators, and special effects editors. I'll find them eventually. I'm always hunting for contacts. But getting these people (especially if I don't know them) would need a budget. See #1.

So yes, I promise right now that Rook City Renegade will be made some day. I can't promise in the near future, but this has always been my desire to give back to the community here. A lot of people do a lot of things to contribute to the fanbase (shoutout to Spiff, Flamethrower, and the wiki makers), and since filmmaking is my forte, I'll put my skills into making a movie.

Expatriette is the main character. Shootouts and fistfights are involved.

Yeah, I realise it's powerful, but it needs to balance against existing cards. H-2 damage to a villain card tops out at 3, which is the same as Young Legacy's base power. To balance the drawback of hurting your team every time you use it, it has to be better. You could make the downside stronger - 2 damage to H heroes would be scary to most teams.

The power also highlights Legacy going from a team player to being out for only himself. Normally, he buffs everyone else's damage. Here, if anyone tries to help him, it only makes things worse. I think it could work...

>G, go!

Think Haka has a similar card for 5 damage to all non-hero and 2 damage to all hero targets. So 5 damage to 1 Hero and 1-2 to all hero target seems fair. Could make that 1 damge irreducible as a draw back.
Or Instead of H heroes just do damage to all Hero targets so then it would damage or good guys from the Rook City env. 

I am quite literally a few weeks away from an English Literature degree (with a minor in Psychology).  I would be happy to look it over for you.  Just shoot me a message if you are so inclined!

First off, congratulations on graduating soon.

Secondly, I will certainly send you a copy of it with some notes and such. The writer I had originally planned to go to for help (also a soon-graduating English Lit. major!) is quite swamped with work and probably too busy to help with this.

It's late right now, though, so I'll type up the notes and send you a copy later today.


Why Yes. yes we are!


Go there everyone, and find the info lost in the posts and link it,copy paste it, and put it up there for fun fun things!


Seriously. I didnt make that wiki for my health :stuck_out_tongue:

In a way I hope there'll always be loose ends. It just makes the universe feel more real. And I love that part of the lore is mostly just accessible by lurking around here and absorbing all these little bits of random info. And I love Christopher's weird keyboard with instant picture post button and buttons that suddenly decide to type out [redacted] instead of delicious info :smiley:

I can’t say as though I’m surprised by this reveal, as it is similar to one of my (and probably others) create-a-villain entries. Although mine was from a few generations down the road. I really wish they were more specific about what to avoid, as I would have been able to spend more time on my other non-duplicate entry.

I wonder if all those that entered an “Evil Legacy” shared what we submitted if we would get any idea of how this “Iron Legacy” would play out. Here is mine:

Aliases: Paul Grigori Patterson
Age: 402 years (looks 43)
Height: 6’ 4”
Weight: 220 lbs.
Hair Color: Light Brown
Eye Color: Brown
Birthplace: Capital City, Earth
Power Source: Genetic
Group Affiliation: None
Occupation: One-Time Hero, Full-Time Regretter
First Appearance: Freedom Five Annual #15
Nemesis: Unknown

Paul Patterson is the master of all he surveys. Unfortunately, for him it isn’t much to look at, and hasn’t been for close to a century. The problem with immortality is you get to live with your regrets forever. “Could I have saved my wife and child?” “Why didn’t I remarry?” “Why did I ever agree to go through with halting my aging process, such that the world would always have a hero?” “If I permitted my foes to join forces with me in the final fight, would it have gone differently?”

Nigh-Invulnerability, and super healing allowed him to survive what is known now as “Legacy’s Folly”. However, neither does a darn bit of good against the mental damage caused by self-isolation, and depression. The mind has its own method of healing such wounds - shifting blame. “Why was I abandoned in my darkest hour?” “Why did I ever listen to the advice of others?” “Why did my Dad and all his relatives even follow in our relative’s footsteps, sacrificing so much for nothing?”

While human civilization continued on via colonization of other planets throughout the galaxies, Earth has had a population of one for close to a hundred years. Paul stays there as it is safer for everyone if he does. Rage frequently over comes him, and nothing can withstand the primal force of his combined powers, as around every century he has developed new ones. Turns out there doesn’t need to be a new generation to increase the power of the Legacy, it just takes time, and time is the one thing that is in endless supply for him.

Friends used to try to talk him into trying to reclaim his role of protector. At first he turned them down out of fear for the devastation he had already caused. Then out of shame. During that time he even attempted to take his own life, but was never successful, thanks to his super powers, which could destroy anything but what he hated most… himself. But now after so many years, he just refused to return to society, because they don’t deserve him. He was the top of the food chain, the apex predator, and master of the world. He no longer needed anyone or anything as he was power personified, unstoppable, and forever trapped on a dead planet of his own creation.

But with the evolution of his latest power, he suddenly has an infinite number of possibilities. He is now able to open rifts in time itself. He could travel back to just before his greatest mistake, and set things right. No. That won’t work, the world would want to rely on him, and he didn’t need them. He could travel back and convince himself not to go through with the procedure to stop his aging. No, that won’t do, he would have been just as lonely. He could simply go back and save his wife, and unborn child. Then the world could have a new Legacy, one that they could love and rely on.
No, why would he curse anyone with that burden? No, no one deserves that on their shoulders. He could go back and confront his Dad, but
the world was too reliant on him in his prime, and he has surpassed him in every way.

No, He needed to maximize the odds of his defeat by going to the golden age of heroes. Back when they were countless heroes and dozens of villains. Both his Father’s and Mother’s great-great-grandfather’s were forces to be reckoned with back then. Surely their combined forces could put an end to his existence. Yes, that is it. He will put an end to the Legacy one way or the other. This is the denouement…

Denouement - 80
Unwanted Savior
Start with The Legacy ring in play.
When Denouement would be dealt 5 or more damage reduce that damage to 3.
End of Villain turn: Deal Hero with most HP H-1 irreducible energy damage.
Flip when Denouement has a health of 40 or less
Advanced (Deals +1 damage.)

Denouement – 80
Desperate Madman
Flip when Denouement has a health more than 40

Start of Villain Turn: Deals all cards with HP (including Denouement)
H Energy damage.
Advanced (Heals H-2 HP at the start of every Villain Turn.)

1 The Legacy Ring (Ongoing: Regains H-2 HP at start of Villain turn.
Play two villain cards every turn.)
2 Demoralize (Ongoing: All heroes decrease damage dealt by 1. If copy
already is in play Denouement regains H-2 HP and discard this card.)
2 Take Down (Ongoing: Hero cards cannot be played. Destroy at start
of villain turn. If copy already is in play Denouement regains H HP
and discard this card.)
2 Danger Sense (Ongoing: Prevent any damage that would be done by
one-shot hero cards. If copy already is in play Denouement regains H-2
HP and discard this card.)
2 Surge of Strength (Ongoing: Increase damage dealt by Denouement by
H-2. If copy already is in play Denouement regains H-2 HP and discard
this card.)
2 Fortitude (Ongoing: Reduce damage dealt to Denouement by 1. If copy
already is in play Denouement regains H-2 HP and discard this card.)
2 Apex Predator (Ongoing: Immune to damage – destroy at start of
villain turn. If copy already is in play Denouement regains H HP and
discard this card.)
3 Crushing Blow (One-shot: Deal H melee damage to the highest HP.
Play another villain card.)
4 Brutal Charge (One-shot: Deal hero target with lowest HP, H-1 melee
damage. Each hero discards 1 card.)
3 Catch! (One-shot: Deal Hero with Highest HP, H-1 melee damage. All
other heroes take 1 projectile damage.)
2 Eye Beams (One-shot: Destroy all hero equipment.)

"Evil Legacy" was on so many card art already that I never thought about making him an entry in the contest. And I came with the idea of alternate universe evil [redacted ] and her evil [redacted] too late for an entry.

Edit : Chritoper'ed just in case it could be an idea they already had ;)

My villain entry was an evil Visionary, but even when I started making that entry, I figured they probably already had plans for her (and now we've all got that promo card), so my evil Visionary was doomed to not count. But I didn't care; it was fun!

Too late, I already know what you originally said, heheheh.

Reckless, I just sent you a PM regarding the script.