I'll be kinda frank and direct: I don't play Vengeance mode often, and what I have played doesn't incline me to want to play it much more than I already do. It just seems frustratingly difficult, and damn near impossible if you don't have a team capable of instant, wide-spread damage. You just never get a second to breathe -- even with Iron Legacy, at least you have 3-5 turns to sort your team out and gain a little traction since you can build up before the villain turn comes round again.
With Vengeance, it seems every game goes like:
Everyone takes 2 damage, then everyone takes one damage
First hero turn, play one set-up card, do a little damage
Everyone takes two damage, that set up card is destroyed, and everyone has to discard a card
Second hero turn, play another set up card, use non-damaging power
Everyone takes one damage, everyone takes two damage, one person takes three damage...
And etc. until by the last hero turn of the first round, nobody has any set-up, the set-up cards you were so glad to see in your opening draw are now in the trash, most of the villain targets are still at or near full health, and your whole team is down by at least 10 HP.
AOE villain damage is rough enough when it comes once a round; having it happen five times between environment turns is just brutal.
And then it starts again, except the villains are even stronger because they've had no disruption to their set-up.
Am I doing something wrong here? The whole game mode seems stacked against half the teams that I have a ton of success with against any of the normal villains.