It's not heavy, it's my game

Oh, Halcyon Days of Youth! When naive arms did easily heft a simple set of cards all in one, slender box, with room to spare for dice and notes and whatnot.

Alas, now, though happy I be to have so much more, 'tis a chore to lift the massive tomes that hold this bounty.

With the core game, Rook City, and playtest cards for Infernal Relics, Unity, and Ambuscade, I am now toting 1100+ sleeved cards and papers.

I’m pretty sure the non-playtesters have no sympathy for you on this one :stuck_out_tongue:

Those first world problems… They’re the worst.

I just got a bag of holding - fits Core, RC, playtest cards, dice, extra rulebooks, and everything. :wink:

You could dump the sleeves and cut some weight.

Are the sleeves necessary? I’ll be playtesting soon enough, and that sounds like a huge chunk of change. Any ideas on where to find reasonably priced, efficient sleeves? For that matter, what sleeves do you folks use for Rook City with the hardier cardstock?

Also, I’m new. Been playing for about six months now and I’m looking forward to being an active voice in the Multiverse community!

I know I find sleeves for my playtest cards are a necessity. I print out the cards and put them in sleeves with an old WWE Raw Deal Card as a backer so I can shuffle and what not.

That being said, I have not sleeved my non playtest cards…yet

I’ll be doing the same thing with my playtest cards, just with a cheapo deck of playing cards (or three) as the backer.

Yeah, If I didnt haven boxes of old ccg’s laying around I’d do the same.

I recommend penny sleeves as you can get 100 for $1. My entire SotM collection is sleeved in penny sleeves as well as all of my Infernal Relics playtesting cards. This game simply has too many cards to not use cheapo sleeves in my opinion :stuck_out_tongue:

Thanks for the tip! I’ll have to ask about that at my game shop next time I stop in for comics.

I’m starting to consider buying some sleeves to put them in, since without sleeves you really have to focus on cutting as evenly as possible, which is becoming quite a chore.

As someone who works at a game store, I’ve often considered sleeving my game (which, at present, is SotM and Rook City only) but was not sure how to approach it. Many character decks have different numbers of cards, cool art on the back that I don’t really want to cover up, etc.

Penny sleeves are nice but quality is low. Does anyone know if MayDay or Fantasy Flight make sleeves in the right size for these?

EDIT: Also, I keep the entire thing boxed up in the Rook City box, but it doesn’t really close all the way. Makes me feel ghetto. :stuck_out_tongue:

I just use clear Dragon Shield sleeves and that seems to work out just fine except I have to use both SotM and RC boxes to store it all.

Fantasy Flight makes the right size sleeves. The top is blue and grey. When I get home tonight, I can check the exact name, you don’t want to get it wrong. These are quality sleeves, $2.99 for 50. Yeah, it’s expensive, but what are you going to do if you’re a sleeve elitist like I seem to be?

What do you mean by the phrase ‘Makes me feel ghetto’?

Call me OCD, but I like having the boxes in my game library to shut completely and not be sticking up at a weird angle like mine tends to. One could argue that it gives it character, but to each their own, haha!

I bought some Dragon Shield Sleeves for the environment decks as a test, and they seem to really give the fit I’m looking for. Thanks for the tip, guys! :slight_smile:

Thanks for the explanation.

To me, a ghetto is either where Jews chose to live pre WWII or were forced to live in WWII, or where poor, usually minority people live today. In either case, associating something substandard with a ghetto strikes me as somewhat racist.

In general, when someone says something is “ghetto”, they’re generally meaning it’s sub-standard or ratty. It’s not a racist thing, it’s just a reference to the fact that American ghettos are usually run-down and dirty. Has nothing to do with the race of the people living in the ghetto.

Oh, I’m sure they when they say that they don’t mean to sound racist.