Just gonna slip in here and post an introduction

Right, hi. I'm new here and I wanted to introduce myself. If I'm in the wrong place feel free to remove or change this threads location to the proper location. Preferably the second one. Rest assured that I am not here to just siphon all the information about the sentinels rpg out of you (I'm only here for sentinels related stuff so don't talk to me about anything else) although that is one of my goals. I am also here to make some friends and talk about sentinels. And I mean all of the sentinels multiverse not just the team known as he southwest sentinels although they are cool. I was wondering how to change my name on this forum. Do I have to make a new account or can I just change it? I was wondering because this is the first account I made and I don't like the name I picked out for myself. As you can tell I like setback and play him often and my interests outside of sentinels are shmokemon and shminecraft. As well as shmungeons and shmagons and other similar RPGs. (Am I aloud to say the name of other products. Well it was sensor end so no apparently.) I also like shmegend of shmelda. what about you guys. What do you like?



foreigner (or X-metal as I want or change my name to) :grin:

Welcome and glad to have you!!!  :grin:


(If I'm understanding correctly, you wanted your name changed to "X-metal". Done. Let us know if that's not what you wanted!)


And for the record, it’s ok to mention other products here. Your way is more amusing, though :slight_smile:

Hiya, welcome to the forum :). I don't think anyone will have a problem with the fact you want to talk about Sentinels. Because, you know, this is the >G forum :D. Have fun poking around and posting to stuff! There is also a Discord channel (called, naturally "Realm of Discord", for which there's probably a link floating about somewhere (or someone can get you one) where people chat about stuff and arrange online games (via the Steam version or Tabletop Sim) and that kind of thing.

I also like Minecraft and DnD. Not into Pokémon, though. Generally I like Fantasy RPGs. I'm not really interested in superheroes but play Sentinels because it's co-op and really good/fun and has massive replayability. It's possibly my favourite tabletop game to play, though Spirit Island is up there as well, and RPGs like DnD (Fourth Edition is my version of choice). Everything else is on the PC (and some, thanks to Tabletop Sim, are both >:)).

Thank you.


and thanks for the warm welcome. From all of you.

Welcome to the forums.  

Welcome to the forums!

Welcome to the forums, most of us are crazy, and watch out for wild puns.


The rest you must learn for yourself

maniacle laughing I'll fit in just fine here!

Best crash-course in anything I've heard all year.

Although if you're not used to the forum lingo, you may want to go  here or maybe to the Sentinels Slang page (sorry, not linking that too.) Oh, and one more thing:

Fixed that for ya.

thanks. It shouldn't take long for me to learn forum lingo. In general I have a pretty good knowledge of general forum lingo and sentinels lingo so it shouldn't take long to combine the two to get sentinels forum lingo.


I'd forgotten about the Sentinels Slang thread.


Wow… that's been a minute…

Hi! waves