Maybe we can get enough people to get together this time around. And if we succeed we can speak to the boss peeps of >G how they would recommend use going about this. Heck i’d be willing to pitch in another $50 to see Hippo Man come to life. Guess a topic needs to be started to get it going. Though I am fairly bad about getting things organized.
Edit: Ehh… Maybe more like $20, thinking I may be spending too much as it is.
We’ll see. I don’t think I’d have enough money this time around to add to that donation, and I’d really love to help, but I’d have to save money for next time if we put this off. But if we wanted to do anything right now, we could just ask people what background characters they’d want to see. If enough people are with us, we know we’ve got the support. I honestly think the >G guys knew if they’d offer this, we’d try and pick the silliest character. Maybe they’re prepared for this.
So next time then! Sounds like a good plan indeed. I think they offered this because of a old topic of people wanting certain characters to be a card and Hippo Man was even brough up several times in it. So they surely knew people would want that one. They may even decide to make him just because the hype about him, thus no money spent at all! Which will be awesome if it were true.
Well, now that they know our plan, they may do something with him. Or someone else, seeing as at least one person at some point or another asks about the strange background characters. And we wanna see them all. I wanna see a deck where we have to fight all of those look-alike people (I call them the Other Heroes). But we’ll hold a “council” and decide which background character gets the spotlight.
That would be really cool, especially if Hippo Man is voted to be the villian character card. I wonder how effective a villian deck would be with twenty-five minions though?
Okay, maybe not every single Other Hero, but how about the OHs of just the Freedom Five? Plus one more, to be the main villain. So it’d be the Freedom Five vs… Sinister Six?
(Which is also the name of a rather obscure video game rap group)
I think it sounds like a really awesome idea. I’m just wondering why they haven’t commented at all about it. Maybe they are having trouble coming up with something due to the fact they were already thinking about making a deck like that and are now freaking out that their plan is ruined!
Just to mention Kickstarter again, can’t believe it is already nearly funded in less than 24 hours.
We can totally make it in two hours! This kickstarter is already much better than the last. I think it took about a week to reach the goal and not too mention in last two weeks to even reach twenty thousand.
Love the idea of two alternate heroes. Now if only Baron Blade is brought back as well.
They probably haven’t said anything because either they haven’t seen this yet, or they’ve got some other plans for them, or just no plans at all.
Or, as usual, this is just one of those things we don’t get spoilers for. Which is fine. We can’t exactly ask for all the answers. I mean we could, but I’m starting to understand why Chris always says: “Where’s the fun in that?” Besides, we’ve already got another entire expansion to dig for spoilers!
Very true. But i’ll have all the answers about this expansion soon enough so even more future is more exciting. And hey, if the >G peeps don’t mind i’ll even be up for playing a few of the playtesting decks with you via skype or something.
Are you going to be a playtester for this one? I mean, if they’re cool with that, that’s fine, though I doubt it’d be allowed. I don’t wanna insult >G by tapping into privileges I didn’t pay for. I could always just start a forum topic like last time and ask you guys how it’s going.
Oh yeah i’ll be a playtester again. They encouraged us to play with our friends in such so I don’t see why they would. Besides I won’t reveal all of them and their playstyles. Maybe just one of each or something. Besides with my awkward work/sleep schedule, my son, and other game addiction I probably won’t be online to play much anyhow.
As soon as I do get confirmation that it will be acceptable and actually have the resources then I will totally PM you and try and arrange at least a few games. So I got my fingers crossed that they ok it. It’d be helpful for myself as well considering 90% of the Rook City playtest games I played were solo.
Alright, we made it! WHEW! Excitement is in the air! Now, just $10K left to go and we’ll have our promo cards! It’s barely even day two, so I’m sure by the end of the month, we’ll have our promos. Hooray!
For our last kickstarter, we definitely had a group of people pledge together for a reward, so if a bunch of you wanted to get together and force us to bring the hippo man back, more power to ya!
Just kicked in for the new expansion… with the remastering I’m mostly interested in the new enviroments (they look really nice) so hopefully they will be available for sale like all other replacement decks… I’m one of those “practical guys” who is in no rush to upgrade editions yet.
Hopefully we get some alternate heroes out of it, but some alternate villains in the future would be HUGE.