Kickstarter: Launched

Puzzle Strike Kickstarter mentioned on BGG news, but not Infernal Relics. :’(

More stretch rewards announced… but one might be a bit difficult to get

$50 K - Super Secret Awesome Bonus Time!!! Each backer who pledges at least $30K will receive something super awesome.

For $30K, yeah I expect something super awesome! :stuck_out_tongue:

I really want those alt villains. $45k is $17k away, which is about $630/day. I have no idea if that’s possible or not.

We’re actually in the “Staff Picks” section today. :slight_smile:

We already have art prints for 20k. I would really prefer if Omnitron is at 35k, Baron Blade is at 40k, and new art prints at 45k instead.

I mean, I’m a gamer, and I’m always excited by new game material. I’m pretty sure the new Omnitron and Baron Blade will bring me more enjoyment than more art prints. That’s my opinion.

Oh boy oh boy. Both a Omnitron and Baron Blade cards? I’m so looking foward to it. Will they both be keeping their original flip mechanic or are we supposed to expect something entirely new?

I think the reason being that the Art Prints come first is because they are the cheaper thing to have made. At the rate their going they should have no problem clearing Omnitron at least if not more.

3 roughly A4 sized art prints vs 2 standard size cards… I know nothing about printing but I’m not convinced that the art prints are cheaper to produce…

But I do hope we get Baron Blade. Mad scientists are awesome!

Woo, Fanatic alternate card! I’m very excited about getting that. :smiley:

I’m excited about the new Fanatic and Ra cards. I wonder what the >G guys came up with for them. It will have to be pretty impressive because their current character cards are great.

I’m pretty sure the new Omnitron and Baron Blade will bring me more enjoyment than more art prints. That’s my opinion.

That’s my opinion too.

Baron Blade has been my favorite since the first time I played, so that’s very exciting to me. To be honest, it’s been an idea of mine to put together a Hero deck for him, Megamind-style. Just one more project on the stack…

They will have entirely different flip mechanics and everything!

I, too, am excited for an alternate to Fanatic. She has one of my top powers (both alive and dead), plus a great deck, so I’m very curious how she’ll be changed up with the alternate. Of course, Ra will tickle my fancy as well!

I further the joy at alternate villain cards, too. Just an FYI.

The alternate villain cards are a trick to get us to spread the word about this kickstarter. So… Let’s spread the word! I want my alternate villains. :wink:

Five hundred away from the Art Prints, with twenty-six more days to go. Guess this time we will find out what the Super Secret Awesome Bonus will be and even get it.

Why not reveal new info and stuffs on Sat?

Thu to Tue is a loooooong wait. :’(

Totally agree, I want to see more characters and all their awesomely glory as soon as possible. But I guess if they did it three days a week it’ll get revealed even faster than what would we have to look foward to?

It is my belief that GtG holds an infinite number of reveals that will excite us. :slight_smile:

Too true

Just a thought that may help boost the success of the kickstarter campaign even higher:

Additional pledge level(s): Currently, there is a huge gape between the $105 and the $250 level. Really, the gap goes from $105 to $500 since the $250 is sold out. This gap will get even larger when the $105 sells out. Adding a pledge level in the middle might entice some people to up their pledge. One way this could be done is with the battle mats. A new pledge level ($145 - Everything from the Maximum Completion level PLUS the play mat) may help more people realize this is an option. While $50 for the playmat is too rich for my blood, other items thrown in to create more steps on the ladder could possibly entice me to go higher.

More incremental extras:
This is something ZPocalypse did to entice backers to increase their pledges. Adding $10 for extra custom dice, tiles, etc. induced a lot of backers to up their pledges significantly. Currently, sentinels is doing this only with the $50 play mat (see suggestion for that above), but some smaller items (maybe something like extra punch sheets of the hit point counters from the Enhanced Edition) could entice a lot of backers to up their pledges by $5 or $10.