Kickstarter Launched!!

Also, there's no mention of the Kickstarter on the GSF website.  Seems like a good place to mention it. :)

Wait, really? Have you tried refreshing your cache? Am I the only one seeing it?


I still see the old/original page on multiple browsers. And I have refreshed my cache. 

Butts! Working on it.

Just a suggestion: but you might want to consider more cross promotion for your rewards. As a guy who came to the SotM dance after all the kick starters, if there was a reward level that included all the promo heroes from previous kickstarters I would be all over it…bonus points if you had an Alt warlord Voss for thematic reasons.

As of right now, I am able to see the KS link on the GSF page.

Me too, whereas I couldn't see it a few minutes ago.

Would an extra set on minis cost $40?

EDIT: I can see the KS link onthe GSF website.

Playtester definitely sounds good. 

Is there any steps to combine the shipping already paid for with Vengeance??



They put an FAQ about it on the main KS page.


Does this mean people would be able to join playtesting and help flesh out GSF or would that be too late? I mean checking out Vengeance would still definitely be nice.

Side note: I am guessing this means Playtester contirbuitions wont be included towards stretch goals. 


Was just wondering whether we contact them now or after the KS campaign regarding combining the pledges.  As currently thats the part



You can add extra copies of the miniatures pack a la carte for $30, and extra copies of the main game a la carte for $40. However, we are not publishing this on the main Kickstarter page because we have discovered in the past that complications like this generate more confusion and hassle than revenue :) However! If you'd like to do it, you may by all means! Just remind me with a note in the comments section of your Backer survey :)



Just let me know after the campaign ends in your Backer survey.

Would it be feasible at all to add some previous promo SoTM cards / decks as add-ons to GSF's campaign? I know I would definitely pitch some extra in for them, I only got into Sentinels recently and am suffering from some serious Kickstarter regret.

Just a thought.


Thanks for the reply. Would you mind clarifying what do you mean by the one time surcharge fee? Is it just having paid shipping once or is this something else I am misreading from the FAQ.

I mean that if you paid the extra $40 (or $15) for international shipping once, you don't have to pay it again if you opt to combine your Vengeance and GSF shipments.

Wait, we can pledge for GSF and have it combined with Vengeance to avoid a second shipping cost? Ooh! Yay! :D

Okay sweet. It's just the answer was phrased made it seem like there was some processing fee betwee the 2 games.


Also Paul is there any schedule change in the printing of Vengeance? I am assuming GSF early October, Vengeance Late October??


All we're saying right now is that we are confident we can have both games some time before the end of October.


Hi Paul, if I order an extra copy of GSF for 40 bucks do I get an extra set of the promo goodies with it?


Hmm. Send me a PM via Kickstarter and let me know what you want to do and why, and I'll see what we can work out :)