Killed Akash'Bhuta with a Sucker Punch

The party was Tempest, Argent Adept, Ex-Patriette and Tachyon. Akash was at 48 HP. Tachyon had out pushing the limits and HUD goggles, and also played two lightning reflexes. She pulled off three lightspeed barrages for 19 damage each for 47 damage. Akash was down to 1 HP and Tachyon could still play a card, and so Akash'Bhuta was defeated by a sucker punch.

Wheee, that's cool :D.

Tachyon is my favorit character and I have to say that I'm jealous. I've never successfully gotten to play Sucker Punch, let alone to drop a boss THAT  beefy with it. I tip my hat to you sir.