I'm just throwing this out there, but ....
For those of you who went to Gen Con (maybe a few others too) who were lucky enough to secure a Legacy Daughter card, has anyone picked up a second Legacy deck (or just proxy'd it) and tried to play them both on the field at once? ;D
It's sounds a bit broke, but my gf and I love the idea. Anyone else tried it yet?
There’s nothing broken about having the current Paul Parsons as Legacy in play as well as Pauline Felicia Parsons as Legacy as well! However, when a card says “Limited” it does not mean just to that character - it means to the table. So, if America’s Finest Legacy has “Inspiring Presence” in play, then America’s Newest Legacy cannot play that card as well. That said, there are plenty of options that make having both of those characters in play simultaneously a totally legitimate thing. Give it a shot!
As a note, if you wish to play by official rules, you cannot have more than one limited card on the table at once. Which means if Finest Legacy has “The Legacy Ring” played, Newest Legacy is prevented from playing the same card for herself.
Though, as Adam stated, you are allowed to play whatever variation of house rules you have in the privacy of your own home. Greater Than Games is not likely to send a cease and desist notice just because you want to play with four Ras.
Honestly, I’m not impressed by the idea of 4 Ra’s. Sure, he’s got the most BAM direct damage, but his damage output doesn’t compete with what I can put together on several other characters. Also, no way of dealing with Ongoing cards. But I’m glad he’s a thing that people are into! I just rarely find him to be the character I want to play. But then, I don’t tend to like “burn” decks.
“The Legacy Ring” wouldn’t help both, as it say “You may use an additional power.” However, things like “Surge of Strength” (“Increase all damage dealt by Legacy by 1”) WOULD affect both Paul and Felicia.
That’s why I thought it was dumb when I asked it. My gf and I are discussing it right now actually. She’s says it’s dumb that they can’t both use two rings. But the way I rationalized it, is that there is only ONE unique Legacy in the Universe (hence why only one Legacy can use two powers at once. And Surge of Strength, is really sounding awesome. Plus two Nemesis bonuses
What about 4 absolute zeros? (With equipment out) w Volcanic Eruption in play ((Probably never happen in a real game, but…))
And now that I think about, I think I should mention that the Nemesis bonuses wouldn’t stack. (at least to me) Just each Legacy would get a +/- 1 to attack and defense.
I like it because I like the idea of the sheer destruction and flamey fun of that many fire users throwing their weight around. (Says the one who got grounded for a whole summer once for getting caught playing with fire. Again. For the millionth time.)
Four Ras is kind of ‘eh’ to me, but four Absolute Zeros sounds like the most ridiculous thing ever.
I also love the idea of Paul and Felicia teaming up and think that I would just institute the House Rule of Limited only applying to the player, not the table.
You realize since both Absolute Zero’s Modules are limited that would mean that only one Absolute Zero could do anything and the other three would be next to useless, unless playing house rules I guess.
I think we’re now operating under the assumption that house rules are indeed in effect. If ever you want to all use the same character and still keep the basic rules intact, I’d say the best bet would be someone like Tempest or Haka that does a lot of damage based on one-shot abilities. That said, all the flavor of it is lost to me unless they are different versions of the same hero. Legacy and his daughter would be fun because it could happen in this universe.
Yeah, if you were playing houserules, the four Absolute Zeroes would just cycle damage forever (with the Apertures) until they had enough going to kill the villain in one blow.
Don’t forget, though, if they over-damage their HP, they can’t heal it back and they still die, so you wouldn’t be able to one-shot a villain. If you had 4 you could do it in one round, but not in one turn.
I agree with having different versions of the same hero to keep flavor. House rules for having more than one of the same sounds like it would be a bit dull. If I had Felicia aswell the way I personally would play is were the only Limited cards for the table would be The Legacy Ring and Lead from the front, possibly Inspiring Presence. Legacy Ring for the pure fact that only one ring exist, Lead from the Front since there can only be one person actually leading, and as for Inspiring Presence for the pure fact that even if you are inspired twice in one day I don’t think it will make you even stronger then just once. Also Fortitude would apply only to the Legacy that has it in play and not both or still keep that as well where it is limited for the table and have it apply to both. Same with Surge of Strength. Once again this is my own personal way I would play if I had both, although I will probably never have Felicia
If you have any friends at PAX, make them buy it and give you the card!
Barring that, when we do the Kickstarter this fall for the expansion, there will almost definitely be a way to get the promo card, so keep your eyes peeled!
I have no friends outside of Kansas, and all of us are bums and can’t afford to go anywhere else. If I had the money I would of totally been at one of the three conventions you guys were at giving it away. Not too mention I am pretty frugal with my money. Well I am glad that there will be a almost definitely way to get the promo card in the next expansion, because I am so going to be pre-ordering it as soon as it is announced.
Interesting fact: I saw Sentinels of the Multiverse on the shelf at the game shop. Picked it up and started reading the back, it sounded interesting and fairly easy to learn, but the price of $40 made me hesitant to make the purchase, since I had no knowledge of the product previously. So I did what everyone should do when they have a decision to make, flipped a coin. And you can probably guess what the result was and I don’t regret it at all.