LEGO Sentinels of the Multiverse

What if soem sets came with variant cards. Imagine playing as Lego!Expatriate in sentinels. Or Lego!Legacy aka Legocy. Lego!unity or Lego!Mr. Fixer. And what about video games. There are so many characters you could play as including mini-nemeses and characters yet to appear in the card game.  

I'm just gonna...slide in here and...yeah, there we go:

Don't mind me.

(Sorry for the Necromancy, but I thought that this post didn’t warrant its own thread.)

Here’s a minifig’ I made of Black Fist, Grandmaster of the Streets!

I’m not one to modify LEGOⓇ pieces, so this isn’t as accurate as the others posted in this thread, unfortunately.

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