Letter’s Page Topic Suggestions

So, what - Felicia’s like 23, Maia is maybe nearly 30 by that point, and Paul is possibly early 50s? Yay, comic book aging!

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In Episode 154 they say that Heritage is in his early 60s, actually.

Which seems a little old to have a daughter in her mid-20s, but…


Oh jeez! It’s like he had a pause for a while, then time caught up with a vengeance! I mean, it’s not completely unheard of. In my 30s I worked with a woman about my age who was married to guy in his 60s and they had a toddler together.

I find it more strange that Maia was already a 20-something costumed hero when Felicia was born, and is now approximately only a decade older once she’s finished college and taken the Legacy mantle.


I was born when my mom was 35 (my dad was 33, though, not 60), so I was 25 when she was 60… but that was very unusual back when I was a kid in the 80s. (It’s far more common now, obviously, but…)

Granted, with Emily having a political career it does put her in a group that would want to delay having children for a bit.

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If they did go for RPG Legacy vs. Wraith, it would certainly make for some interesting dynamics. We just heard about the “Girl’s Night” (not exactly) Writer’s Room with those three being within about 5 years of each other’s age IIRC. To put Maia in there would be kind of like the slightly older “cool” aunt, I guess. Trying to decide who’s cooler between her and Tachyon is tough since they’re both kind of uptight/serious in their own ways.

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Just as it was once hip to be square, it is now cool to be uptight. No? Nobody?

I’m more amused by the fact that in the 1950’s, Fashion and Wraith were about the same age, then Fashion gets lost in space but doesn’t age much due to time dilation, she comes back and all her old friends are senior citizens now, and she’s still the same age as the Wraith.


After Editor’s Note 56, I need powered Ermine vs. powered Wraith.

It could be Disparation, or it could be a story about a villain making a power-transfer machine, powering Ermine up (or Ermine deciding she would be the one to use it), and Wraith having to do the same to counter her.

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Oh, I almost forgot this one: Vampire World: Young Legacy and Baron Blade.

(I thought of this in the middle of the episode and really wanted to see the interaction between Felicia and Paul. Oh well. I still want to see her in that world.)

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Based on the latest episode, someone needs to ask if Biomancer has tried making a flesh child of the current Legacy, using the genetic code from that with all the powers, and “fake” a child offspring flesh child to see if they could get new powers and/or see where the power tree winds up 100 generations down the line. I assume it’s likely to fail because Singular Entity reasons, but did Biomancer ever try?


The issue of Dispiration that came out the month after Freedom Five 683
It would have been an alt Freedom Five story with the “I had a weird dream” callback joke to the Sliver of Creation story and would have focused in on one of the “other power source focused” teams that was part of the finale that was not known before the La Capitan event.


Interlude- The Christopher Badell story: the South America years.


I know it’s been up for voting before, but I still really want A Day In The Life: Ra
He gets so little in the way of deep characterisation, it would be nice to really delve into what makes him tick! Plus, I think the divide between Blake and Ra could make for some interesting conflict, even without a focus on the usual superheroic world-in-peril drama.


Creative process Bunker Villains
(They said there is one they have in the files that they want to share)

  • Creative Process: A Story-Based Villain

Bunker Foes came up for voting once, but didn’t get voted in.

There’s three others that keep coming up in voting regularly but not getting voted in:

  • Legacy’s Independence Day Spectacular
  • Silver Gulch stories
  • A story featuring a (non-horror) literary figure

We on the server have noted this, figuratively smacked ourselves, and been like “Maybe we should, like, actually vote these in the next time they show up, yes?” after that Editor’s Note answer where we felt called out, lol.


"Bwa ha ha! I am Tall Tale, the dastardly villain who reshapes reality by spinning an irresistible yarn, which then takes form!

“Why, Mr. Fjur, what a distinguished job you have as night guard at the Megalopolis Central Bank! But this job bores you. You are looking for something that fulfills your ultimate potential. Yes! At the end of your shift one morning, you saw a man in clown shoes across the street from here, entertaining children by making balloon animals. You felt captivated, and when you got home you immediately devoted yourself to the task of creating ever more complicated and elaborate balloon-based constructions! You became so consumed with this passion that you began to show up late for your security rounds! Now, after your dedicated study, you are finally ready for your greatest challenge: Little Thiago’s Birthday Party! No guard shift could possibly compare! You set out in your clown shoes at once!”

Mr. Fjur, who suddenly finds himself wearing clown shoes, begins to feel an incredible compulsion. He drops his baton and starts waddling away at high speed.

Tall Tale cackles maniacally and robs the vault.

(Sorry, I think I mis-parsed what you meant :wink:)

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I was wondering if they did mean it that way, considering the post credit stinger on the latest episode. I mean, it would fit right in with the setup of The Teller…

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No, that is exactly what I meant. : )

Now, I need to go pick up some more balloons.

Helium? In this economy?