Recently started transferring the characters I had created from scratch paper onto the Hero Sheet PDF. I noticed that there are only six slots each for Powers and Qualities. This got me wondering if the most Powers or Qualities one could have is six apiece? Realizing that one can only have (at most) twelve Powers and Qualities, but I haven’t found anything in the character creation rules that established that these twelve must be split six and six. Is this just a limitation of the space on the Hero Sheet, or is there actual guidance on how many of each is allowed? Without any official limitation, it would be possible to get 7 (or even 8) of either Powers or Qualities.
For those wondering, my totals were derived as follows:
Background yields 2 Qualities (3 in the case of Struggling and Medical);
Power Source yields 2 or 3 Powers depending on your Background dice (Plus, seven Power Sources can grant 1 additional Power or quality;
Archetype yields 2 or 3 Powers or Qualities depending on your Power Source dice;
Background Concept counts as a Quality;
And finally, Retcon allows the addition of 1 Power or Quality.
Nope, it’s just a sheet limitation based on the most common outcomes in the game. There’s no actual rule to how many of each you’re allowed to have.
You can actually get more power or quality dice than that. The highest number of power or quality dice is nine.
For powers, that’s three granted from your power source, then one granted by the Supernatural, Alien, or Multiverse power source, then three more from your Archetype, then one from the Robot/Cyborg Archetype, then one from your retcon)
For qualities, it’s three granted from the Medical or Struggling background, then one granted from the Training, Mystical, Genius, or Unknown power source, then three from the Shadow or Close Quarters Combatant Archetypes, then your RP quality from the Personality step, then one more from retcon.
Yeah, the official character sheet needs some work for outlier builds. IMO it’s not great even for other characters. It’s kind of busy, and it uses space inefficiently in spots:
Principles could be significantly condensed and belong with your Green abilities where players will remember to use them more often. You really shouldn’t forget about your Principles, but in practice it happens when they aren’t right there with your other Greens.
You could also leave a bit of room on each Principle ability listing to do a scratch tally of how many times it got used during an issue, which will also (as a group) double as a Hero Point tally at the end of session (not that hitting the 5 HP cap is very difficult). If you’re going multiple issues without employing a given Principle you might want to ask if it’s really what you want for your character, and tracking usages helps with that.
You don’t need all those check bubbles for Hero Points bonuses from last session when a couple of notes (or some actual bonus tokens) will do instead. If not using counters, the notes (eg “Exclusive HP bonuses +3, +2”) really belong on the “abilities page” so they don’t get forgotten during action scenes, which is where most of the die rolls happen.
I also really question whether you need room for almost a year’s worth of collections (assuming a weekly rate of play). There’s got to be a better use of that real estate during play, and you can always track your issues and collections separately instead. Makes an interesting record of your PC’s publishing history for posterity, that.
another little problem with the existing character sheet is that Form Changer gets an extra Red Ability so with a Retcon that would be 4 and the sheet only has 3 lines
I had an idea for tracking names of issues and the collected trades they lead to
7S2 Character form.pdf (573.6 KB)
This is a character sheet for 7Sea 2nd edition, the third sheet is for tracking the steps in your “character story” the narrative goal-based character advancement system. I believe a similar sheet could track the names of each issue and resulting collected trade.
Character sheet created by “Brace of Pistos”, formerly BluSponge. I sent him? a Discord message about sharing with this group and never received a negative response.
Sure, sticking your issue/collection record on a separate sheet is a fine idea. There really isn’t much need for them on the character sheet, although having them handy to inspire justifications for spending collections is nice.
One of the games I played in had a player who was doing campaign journals in the form of a little mini-comic book every session, complete with sketch art to go with the text synopsis of what had happened last issue. Super thematic but a fair bit of work even with some assistance on the writing, I don’t think she could have done it if we’d met more than once a month so the “deadlines” were fairly far apart.