Living Campaign #3

Pydro seems to be really busy, and the SCUverse games seem to be dead thanks to Envisioner getting banned.

Is there any interest in a new living campaign? I have some ideas I'd bounced by Pydro during the last one and would be willing to try to give it a shot.

I'd be game to play in it.

I've had some thoughts about a "6-issue, trade paperback" campaign featuring the Rook City heroes, but it hasn't gotten much farther than idea planning at this point, and I'm really better served spending my limited writing time on a) the editing project sitting beside me right now, b) my convention games for Cold Steel Wardens, and c) the Cold Steel Wardens follow-up book.

I'll play, but I'm already in a couple of forum games, so give preference to other folks if there are space issues.


The "living campaign" series were where the game setups got posted, and then people were able to all go play the game and post results, with the "consensus" result affecting the forthcoming scenarios.

Gotcha. I was thinking of something else. Well, if so many people play that one more person posting their results would overwhelm the forum and crash the server into oblivion, I'll bow out for the greater good.


Another excuse to play Sentinels! (Not that I need one.) Count me in.

OK, folks...

I'm not sure if the apparent lack of response to my attempt to do another Living Campaign is just due to Tactics just getting released to playtesters, if it's that I'm not getting the same kind of attention since I'm not a Pydro-level poster, or what.

I'm happy to keep up with the storyline (which potentially has an epic conclusion) if there's enough interest, but it doesn't seem to be there so far.


Still interested. Had planned to play 2A and 2B this weekend, but had two different groups flake on me at the last minute. Planning on doing 2A solo tonight, with 2B probably waiting until tomorrow night.

Check. I'll wait a bit to see your results before posting the next chapter, then. Was still hoping to hear from a few others as well, but I suspect most of the regulars are consumed with Tactics play testing.

Week's been rough, so I'm only now managing to get around to posting, but if you're still willing to run the story, I'm willing to play it - but I agree that if I'm the only one, it kind of cuts out a significant draw to this type compared to just playing regular games.

Well, this week's game 2B, at least, needs a tiebreaker since there's been one hero win and one hero loss. Might as well do game 2A while you're at it.

Posts #7 and #8 are me, actually, unless you want me to play again.

Nah about playing again.... I've at least asked the G+ group to do a tiebreaker, and will otherwise try to do one myself early next week before traveling for spring break.

I haven't been playing your living campaign games because you wanted Vengeance heroes in them and I didn't have them.


But I got a copy on Tuesday so I'll be looking at any more you put up.


@matchstickman: Aha. I forgot about Vengeance not always being UK available yet, although I must confess I thought you were a play tester.

The decks changed between Playtest and actuality.

Some changes for Setback that come to mind:

Cash Out healing increased from 1 to 2.

Instances of Looking-Up in the deck increased by 1.

Instances of Wrong Time and Place in the deck decreased by 1.

He is, he just wasn't during Vengeance testing. He bought in during the most recent slot, just as I did. 

If'n the UK G+ crew wants to get either of these played tonight, I'm not going to get the next chapter posted before late tonight GtG time, and more likely tomorrow.

OK... life has settled down (a little bit). Lacking a tiebreaker, I'm going with a re-intro of sorts. Look for it shortly.