Living Sentinels Campaign (Campaign Thread)


Well that isn't quite the right word for it, but hey. It will work. j1hopki1 has his own Narrative going, and this is similar, but different. In difference is this: There will be  a scenario presented, like j1hopki1's. However, unlike his the results of the narrative and the next scenario will be determined by how the game goes for everyone who plays.

The Living Sentinels Campaign!


  1. Each player may submit 1 game results. You can play as many games as you want, but you may only submit 1 game result.
  2. Each chapter of the campaign will last about a week. After a week or so (give or take a few days) the games results will be tallied depending on several standard things to note, and several things individual to the game (They will be listed in the scenario)
  3. After the due date of the scenario, no other games will count. You are of course welcome to play the scenario yourself, if you want a challenge in some way, but your results will not affect the next chapter.
  4. The storyteller will determine how the next scenario plays out, involving some of the aspects of the last scenario - the ST may change over time - I'm excited about it right now and I have some ideas, plus I'll do several scenarios so people have an idea of what I'm getting at. We may even reset for a new Campaign.
  5. Special instructions: Some games will have special setup instructions. Please note, that because of these, if they have a special setup, Do Not Submit them to the Statistics project. These will not be standard games.
  6. We'll keep all the results in one thread, and a separate thread with all the Scenarios to keep it a bit more clear. I will post the scenario in both threads, to help but one thread will be kept pretty clear. This thread!



Chapter 1 - The Freedom 4 Rise!

Threat: Easy - Medium

Scenario - Baron blade has struck into the heart of Metropolis! But Legacy is there to meet him. Gathering several heros to his cause, the gallant Paul Parson's is ready to resist the Evil Doctor Baron Blade. Unfortunately he picks the worst time to attack - Right in the middle of the Thank You Legacy Parade!!!

  • Heroes: Legacy (Not Promo), Tachyon (Not Team Leader), Wraith (Not promo), and Bunker (Not Promo)
  • Villain: Mad Baron Blade
  • Environment: Metropolis
  • Special Setup: Search the Environment deck for 1 Impending Casualty in play, before the start of the game.

Result to Note

Please use the Following to report your results in This Thread:

  • Villain: Defeated, Yes or no?
  • Heroes: Any Incapacitated?
  • Special: Did Legacy have Next Evolution out at the end of the game? How many turns did Impending Casualty stay on the board? How many Blade Battalion's were played during the game?


What the Results Mean

  • Villain: If Baron Blade is defeated in the majority of the games, he will limp back to his MDP to plan a second assault, this time in alliance with another villain.... If Baron Blade wins in the majority of the Games, then he will continue his rampage through Metropolis, and another group of hero's will have to step up!
  • Heroes: Every hero Incapacitated will not be available for several Scenarios while they recover. If a hero manages to be incapacitated for at least 90% of the games, something bad will happen to them!
  • Special: If Legacy survives, and Next Evolution is out in the majority of the games, Young Legacy will be included in the next scenario. Every turn Impending Casualty is not destroyed will result in deaths at the Parade - every one beyond the first will determine what kind of support the hero's have in the next scenario

Results Due by Sun, June 16th, 11pm EST. Next Scenario will be posted sometime Monday June 17th.

Please remember to post Results in the Result Thread.


Saved for Scenario 4

Saved for Scenario 5


Chapter 2 - The Jailbreak (if the Heroes Win)


Difficulty Medium - Hard


In order for an ordinary human to take on someone like Legacy, they have to be a bit of a genius. So Baron Blade was ready for the unfortunate to occur... or perhaps its all part of his master plan? He had made a deal with Kismet, who is well known for breaking out of the The Block.

Unfortunately for Baron Blades plans, Chrono Ranger was there delivering a villain to the Block. At that same time Tempest and Young Legacy are there inspecting the facilities... which given that its run by FILTER... is this a good thing for Mac?

But Kismet did not come unprepared. Where the Blade Batallion had not been there to aid Blade's attack on the parade, its because they were preparing to aid Kismet for the next phase of the plan. Unforutnately with Blade now captured, they must change to Plan B - Rescue!




Villain: Kismet

Heroes: Young Legacy, Chrono Ranger, Tempest

Environment: The Block


Special Setup

Put 2 Blade Battalions into play in the Environment area. Count these as Environment Targets instead of Villain targets. They are here aiding Kismet to break free Baron Blade. (Average number of them played in the last game, rounded to the nearest number)

Search the deck for all the cards labeled Agent. Shuffle them and reveal until you have 3. Remove the first from the game, and put the other two of them into play, and shuffle the remaining ones into the deck. The rest of the Agents are out in the field because of the casualties from the attack on the parade. The Warden cannot be removed from play this way (Put him back into the deck and reveal another one) (Which is equal to 3- the average number of turns an impending Casualty was in play, rounded down)



Special Rules

When the last Blade Battalion is destroyed, search the environment deck for the card Lockdown Put it into play. When a Blade Battalion is destroyed, remove it from the game.

When there are no more Agents on the table, search the environment deck for the card Prison Riot and put it into the play


Results to Note

Villain Defeated or not?

Any Heroes Incapacited? Which Ones?

Which was played first, Lock Down or Prison Break?

Was the Warden in Play at the end of the game?


Results are due by SUn, June 23t - The Next scneario will be posted Monday, June 24th.

Chapter 3 - Hunter and the Hunted.


The Lockdown ends and Kismet is defeated, once again locked up in the block. She simply grins with a maniacal grin as the Warden closes her cell, and activates the Psionic Dampers. “I Won’t be here long. Besides, don’t you have an Alien to pick up, FILTER Agent?” she says with that grin locked firmly in place.


“It’s already being handled’ The Warden says, turning to the heroes who just helped them out. “Arrest the Alien!” He says as guards overwhelm the heroes suddenly. Tempest finds himself bound in gene bound shackles, and pulled away. Young Legacy blasts the nearest wall with her Atomic glare, grabbing Jim as she flees to the Portal


“Call in the Hunter. They can’t be allowed to escape. Align the portal - we can’t close it entirely, but we can direct their path. Make sure he is waiting, news of this can’t get back to Earth.” The Warden says grimly...


Young Legacy and Jim barrel through the portal, finding themselves in a tropical island. Gunshots sound off in the distance, followed by the painful roar of a dinosaur.  “Uhoh” Jim intones as Expatriette dives into view, firing behind her “MOVE IT!” She screams as T-Rex barrels out of the foliage behind her.


Heroes: Young Legacy, Chrono Ranger, and Expatriette

Villain: Ambuscade, Advanced

Environment: Insula Primalis


Special Setup: Follow Ambuscades standard setup, then search his deck for the Personal Cloaking Device, and put it into play (Flipping Ambuscades Character card as well) - Shuffle his deck.


Search the environment deck and put the Tyrannosaurus Rex Into play, with 5 HP. Shuffle the Environment Deck.


Special Rules: None other than Setup


Things to Note:

Villain defated?

Heroes Incapacitated?

Dinosaurs still on the table when the game ends?


Last Entry Deadline by Sun Jun 30th, new scenario will be posted sometime on Monday July 1st


No new scenario this week?  That makes me a sad panda... :(

july 4th and family events were more intense than I ancipated. Only on for a bit now before i head off to fireworks. Ill put it up this weekend.