Living Sentinels Campaign (Results Thread)



Chapter 2 - The Jailbreak (if the Heroes Win)


Difficulty Medium - Hard


In order for an ordinary human to take on someone like Legacy, they have to be a bit of a genius. So Baron Blade was ready for the unfortunate to occur... or perhaps its all part of his master plan? He had made a deal with Kismet, who is well known for breaking out of the The Block.

Unfortunately for Baron Blades plans, Chrono Ranger was there delivering a villain to the Block. At that same time Tempest and Young Legacy are there inspecting the facilities... which given that its run by FILTER... is this a good thing for Mac?

But Kismet did not come unprepared. Where the Blade Batallion had not been there to aid Blade's attack on the parade, its because they were preparing to aid Kismet for the next phase of the plan. Unforutnately with Blade now captured, they must change to Plan B - Rescue!




Villain: Kismet

Heroes: Young Legacy, Chrono Ranger, Tempest

Environment: The Block


Special Setup

Put 2 Blade Battalions into play in the Environment area. Count these as Environment Targets instead of Villain targets. They are here aiding Kismet to break free Baron Blade. (Average number of them played in the last game, rounded to the nearest number)

Search the deck for all the cards labeled Agent. Shuffle them and reveal until you have 3. Remove the first from the game, and put the other two of them into play, and shuffle the remaining ones into the deck. The rest of the Agents are out in the field because of the casualties from the attack on the parade. The Warden cannot be removed from play this way (Put him back into the deck and reveal another one) (Which is equal to 3- the average number of turns an impending Casualty was in play, rounded down)



Special Rules

When the last Blade Battalion is destroyed, search the environment deck for the card Lockdown Put it into play. When a Blade Battalion is destroyed, remove it from the game.

When there are no more Agents on the table, search the environment deck for the card Prison Riot and put it into the play


Results to Note

Villain Defeated or not?

Any Heroes Incapacited? Which Ones?

Which was played first, Lock Down or Prison Break?

Was the Warden in Play at the end of the game?


Results are due by SUn, June 23t - The Next scneario will be posted Monday, June 24th.


I assume the answer to this question is yes, but just for clarification, whenever we search the environment deck for something, we shuffle the deck, right?

Kisment defeated!

No Heroes Incapacitated--Young Legacy was actuallyonly  1 hp off of her max, thanks to Fortitude, Cleansing Downpour and Motivational Charge!

Lockdown was played first, with a Prison Riot coming at the very end of the game (with only 1 round left)

The Warden was not in play at the end of the game.  Kismet pulled an Immenent Destruction, which took out the poor Warden.

As the Blade Battalions are now Environment cards, do they act on the Villain turn or the Environment turn?

Just did scenario number 2. Kismet was defeated and no heroes were incapacitated.

Kismet destroyed all environment card on the first turn and so prison break came out first and then the lockdown.

Warden Hoefle was not in play. He was discarded by the Prison Riot.

I know I don't have to note this, but the Talisman was in Legacy's play area at the end of the game.

Neilz - yep. correct.

matchstick. - yeah good call. They act on the environment turn

Neilz again… lucky break!

In the long run it was a lucky break not having to deal with all four targets, but Kismet dealt everyone six damage in the first turn. Ouch.

Love this campaign. Thanks for putting the work into it to add a storyline, scenarios, and a way to involve the community in the adventure.

I missed Story 1 but I completed Story 2 today.

The heroes defeated Kismet. Their HP each got down to the teens but then Chrono Ranger took over with two boosting bounties on Kismet and Inspiring Presence from Young Legacy. In the last round he did 16 damage to Kismet, and then killed her off on her turn next round when her attack set off the "The Ultimate Target" "You may use a power" response to quick shot her for the victory.

The Blade Battalion was killed off in a wave of Squall, Char, and Agent attacks which meant Lock Down came out first. The Lock Down was overseen by the Warden who stayed out for the rest of the game.


Villain Defeated or not?


Any Heroes Incapacited? Which Ones?


Which was played first, Lock Down or Prison Break?

Lock Down

Was the Warden in Play at the end of the game?


Villain defeated.

Chrono-Ranger and Tempest both incapped.

Lock down.


Whelp, things got off to a flying start with an Imminent Destruction, killing both of the Battalions and taking out the Warden in the process too.

Given the options it was decided to make things more difficult for the game but help out the story, Lockdown entered play first, followed immeadiately by Prison Riot (and 2 inmates that would have been destroyed if chosen the other way around). The top card of the deck was actually Prison Riot, so the ID was actually helpful!

It was a hard fought battle but eventually the heroes triumphed, or more accurately hero. Chrono-Ranger was the only one left standing, and then at only 3HP and purely because he had "The Ultimate Target" out and Kismet did her start of turn damage, if a card had been played it would have killed Chrono-Ranger! 3 Jinx cards (one on each hero) and 3 Lucky cards were in play when the game ended, so no matter which side of her Villain card was up, she was getting boosted by her cards.

The Environment was really vicious too, Char put the hurt on everybody, particularly as he had both Imprisoned Rogues out, 4+4 damage is not to be sneezed at, but it did flip out Warden Hoeffle thanks to Inconcievable Obstruction (Best flavour text in the game!).


Results are

Villain Defeated or not?


Any Heroes Incapacited? Which Ones?

Young Legacy and Tempest

Which was played first, Lock Down or Prison Break?

Lock Down

Was the Warden in Play at the end of the game?


Kismet was defeated. No heroes were incapacitated but Tempest was on 3 and CR on 7.

Lockdown technically came out first given we had a first turn Imminent Destruction and I decided for the sake of the game play to kill the Batallions off first. It worked out for the best as Char did horrendous damage to Kismet, aided by a rogue.

Warden Hoefle was out at the end of the game leading all the surviving agents in a lockdown. One of the Block Guards was taken out of the game.


Heroes won.

Nobody was incapped.

Lock Down came out first.

Never saw the wardern (coffee break?).

Heroes Won

Tempest Incapped

Lock Down o ut first

Warden was in play (since the start of the game!)

Kismet defeated.

No heroes were incapacitated.

Lockdown was played first.

The Warden was not in play at the end of the game.

Wanted to add to this... Legacy was the MVP for my game... I leaned on Lead from the front and Next Evolution (always choosing psychic) pretty heavily, and then I got the card that makes her immune to environmental damage so Char was a non-issue when he showed up as were some agents who could have hurt me pretty badly... The dart gun that reduces the damage done by its target by one was a huge help as well. Lockdown was my first or second draw from the environment deck which was amusing and unexpected... I assumed I was only supposed to search the deck and not the discard pile so it didn't come back into play when the conditions for its arrival were satisfied. Hope that wasn't cheating!

Chapter 3 - Hunter and the Hunted.


The Lockdown ends and Kismet is defeated, once again locked up in the block. She simply grins with a maniacal grin as the Warden closes her cell, and activates the Psionic Dampers. “I Won’t be here long. Besides, don’t you have an Alien to pick up, FILTER Agent?” she says with that grin locked firmly in place.


“It’s already being handled’ The Warden says, turning to the heroes who just helped them out. “Arrest the Alien!” He says as guards overwhelm the heroes suddenly. Tempest finds himself bound in gene bound shackles, and pulled away. Young Legacy blasts the nearest wall with her Atomic glare, grabbing Jim as she flees to the Portal


“Call in the Hunter. They can’t be allowed to escape. Align the portal - we can’t close it entirely, but we can direct their path. Make sure he is waiting, news of this can’t get back to Earth.” The Warden says grimly...


Young Legacy and Jim barrel through the portal, finding themselves in a tropical island. Gunshots sound off in the distance, followed by the painful roar of a dinosaur.  “Uhoh” Jim intones as Expatriette dives into view, firing behind her “MOVE IT!” She screams as T-Rex barrels out of the foliage behind her.


Heroes: Young Legacy, Chrono Ranger, and Expatriette

Villain: Ambuscade, Advanced

Environment: Insula Primalis


Special Setup: Follow Ambuscades standard setup, then search his deck for the Personal Cloaking Device, and put it into play (Flipping Ambuscades Character card as well) - Shuffle his deck.


Search the environment deck and put the Tyrannosaurus Rex Into play, with 5 HP. Shuffle the Environment Deck.


Special Rules: None other than Setup


Things to Note:

Villain defated?

Heroes Incapacitated?

Dinosaurs still on the table when the game ends?


Results already:

Heroes Victorious!  Advanced Ambuscade goes down like a chump.

No heroes incapacitated--lowest was Expatriette at 18 hp.

No dinosaurs on the table at game end.  That said, we killed the T-rex and 3 packs of Velociraptors.

I got some really fantastic draws on each of the three heroes, as well as two pulls of Snatch and Grab from Ambuscade which left him without Devices and Traps for most of the game.  Young Legacy's starting hand was Motivational Charge, Legacy Ring, and Surge of Strength--she was pumping off two hits a round for nearly the whole game, coupled with CR's bounties.  Expatriette pulled a Tactical Shotgun and an Assault Rifle in her opening draw, which only got heftier from there.  She even managed to take out the T-Rex in Round 1 with the RPG Launcher, which was great, considering the art!

I'd have ended the game with a massive Unload (TacShotgun, Assault Rifle, Pride/Prejudice), but Chrono-Ranger played two buffed-up Terrible Tech-Strikes and beat her to the punch.  All told, not bad at all!

I'm just curious, Was Tempest being captured inevitable, or was it due to the Warden Hoefle condition or Tempest being incapacitated?

Who builds their secret base in the bottom of a volcano?


It started in a mine field, 2 Sonic mines from the initial device setup. Concentrated on taking out the the Cloaking device first of all, getting it to 1HP before a first turn Raptor Pack ripped it right off his back! Playing on Advanced (with DR1 on Villain targets) made Chrono-Ranger take more risks, putting out a Hunter and Hunted (a card that rarely sees play in my group), it really helped out that Legacy played Heroic Interception the turn after it was played. It lead to C-Rs last turn being a massive play, Displaced Armory (Jim's Hat), Eye on the Prize (x2), Terrible Tech-Strike and a Quick Shot (Power) for an impressive 25 damage!

The first 2 environment plays were Raptor Packs, it really helped as they chowed down on all of Ambuscades' Device, having them take out the Sonic Mines at the end of the 2nd turn made for a great visual. The T-Rex did eat the Heroes, even leading to chosing a Flak Jacket over Pride.

Ambuscade had 2 traps set up.. and both went off, 1 on the turn that the other set up!

He also had a turn of Run and Gun, Quick Stim Patch, Quick Stim Patch and Armed and Dangerous, that gave us a little scare. Ultimately however he never got his Personal Cloaking Device back in play after losing it on the first turn and the heroes triumphed.



No heroes were incapacitated, dinosaurs were still in play (T-Rex and 2 Raptor Packs-none died, hell, the only damage to them came from Expat using a Hollow Pointed Assault Rifle), Villain defeated by the Volcanic Erruption! Expat could have done it but

*looks at cards* *looks at Ambuscade on 1HP* *looks at cards again*

"You aren't worth the bullet"

*draws 2*


No incap.

No wildlife.

it was a combination of him getting in capped in 3 games and the warden being out. It was the ending I was hoping for honestly :stuck_out_tongue:

if prison riot had been out first, instead of going to insult primalis for the continuing story with yl and cr, we would have shifted to rook city and spite being freed from the block… but twice now Bbs dastardly plan has been foiled. With only two chapters left what’s his last trick up his sleeve?