Chapter 2 - The Jailbreak (if the Heroes Win)
Difficulty Medium - Hard
In order for an ordinary human to take on someone like Legacy, they have to be a bit of a genius. So Baron Blade was ready for the unfortunate to occur... or perhaps its all part of his master plan? He had made a deal with Kismet, who is well known for breaking out of the The Block.
Unfortunately for Baron Blades plans, Chrono Ranger was there delivering a villain to the Block. At that same time Tempest and Young Legacy are there inspecting the facilities... which given that its run by FILTER... is this a good thing for Mac?
But Kismet did not come unprepared. Where the Blade Batallion had not been there to aid Blade's attack on the parade, its because they were preparing to aid Kismet for the next phase of the plan. Unforutnately with Blade now captured, they must change to Plan B - Rescue!
Villain: Kismet
Heroes: Young Legacy, Chrono Ranger, Tempest
Environment: The Block
Special Setup
Put 2 Blade Battalions into play in the Environment area. Count these as Environment Targets instead of Villain targets. They are here aiding Kismet to break free Baron Blade. (Average number of them played in the last game, rounded to the nearest number)
Search the deck for all the cards labeled Agent. Shuffle them and reveal until you have 3. Remove the first from the game, and put the other two of them into play, and shuffle the remaining ones into the deck. The rest of the Agents are out in the field because of the casualties from the attack on the parade. The Warden cannot be removed from play this way (Put him back into the deck and reveal another one) (Which is equal to 3- the average number of turns an impending Casualty was in play, rounded down)
Special Rules
When the last Blade Battalion is destroyed, search the environment deck for the card Lockdown Put it into play. When a Blade Battalion is destroyed, remove it from the game.
When there are no more Agents on the table, search the environment deck for the card Prison Riot and put it into the play
Results to Note
Villain Defeated or not?
Any Heroes Incapacited? Which Ones?
Which was played first, Lock Down or Prison Break?
Was the Warden in Play at the end of the game?
Results are due by SUn, June 23t - The Next scneario will be posted Monday, June 24th.