Each player may submit 1 game results. You can play as many games as you want, but you may only submit 1 game result.
Each chapter of the campaign will last about a week. After a week or so (give or take a few days) the games results will be tallied depending on several standard things to note, and several things individual to the game (They will be listed in the scenario)
After the due date of the scenario, no other games will count. You are of course welcome to play the scenario yourself, if you want a challenge in some way, but your results will not affect the next chapter.
The storyteller will determine how the next scenario plays out, involving some of the aspects of the last scenario - the ST may change over time - I'm excited about it right now and I have some ideas, plus I'll do several scenarios so people have an idea of what I'm getting at. We may even reset for a new Campaign.
Special instructions: Some games will have special setup instructions. Please note, that because of these, if they have a special setup, Do Not Submit them to the Statistics project. These will not be standard games.
We'll keep all the results in one thread, and a separate thread with all the Scenarios to keep it a bit more clear. I will post the scenario in both threads, to help but one thread will be kept pretty clear
Chapter 1 - The Freedom 4 Rise!
Threat: Easy - Medium
Scenario - Baron blade has struck into the heart of Metropolis! But Legacy is there to meet him. Gathering several heros to his cause, the gallant Paul Parson's is ready to resist the Evil Doctor Baron Blade. Unfortunately he picks the worst time to attack - Right in the middle of the Thank You Legacy Parade!!!
Heroes: Legacy (Not Promo), Tachyon (Not Team Leader), Wraith (Not promo), and Bunker (Not Promo)
Villain: Mad Bomber Baron Blade (Promo Version)
Environment: Metropolis
Special Setup: Search the Environment deck for 1 Impending Casualty in play, before the start of the game.
Result to Note
Villain: Defeated, Yes or no?
Heroes: Any Incapacitated?
Special: Did Legacy have Next Evolution out at the end of the game? How many turns did Impending Casualty stay on the board? How many Blade Battalion's were played during the game?
What the Results Mean
Villain: If Baron Blade is defeated in the majority of the games, he will limp back to his MDP to plan a second assault, this time in alliance with another villain.... If Baron Blade wins in the majority of the Games, then he will continue his rampage through Metropolis, and another group of hero's will have to step up!
Heroes: Every hero Incapacitated will not be available for several Scenarios while they recover. If a hero manages to be incapacitated for at least 90% of the games, something bad will happen to them!
Special: If Legacy survives, and Next Evolution is out in the majority of the games, Young Legacy will be included in the next scenario. Every turn Impending Casualty is not destroyed will result in deaths at the Parade - every one beyond the first will determine what kind of support the hero's have in the next scenario
btw, im going to note, randomly... I -really- hate the Editing of this forum. Pasting without using the Paste button just screws up -everything- in the formating. Its horrible.
Impending Casulaties was destroyed turn 1 by a Blinding Speed. It got resurrected by a Targeting Innocents, but was then destroyed the turn it came out.
Next Evolution was in play. 1 Blade Battalion was played and destroyed.
Sat down and played a mean game of Sentinels this afternoon.
Things got off to a rocky start with 3 Hasten Dooms at the top of Baron Blade's deck, followed by a Blade Battalion! Legacy was down 10HP before the start of his turn!
The heroes fought him to a standstill, with many showing the meaning of self-sacrifice (Everyone in single figures, with Legacy at 2HP and Tachyon at 1!) but Legacy made an inspiring speech about fighting to his final breathe and believing in the inherent good in his fellow man, distracting Blade long enough for the police to come and take him out (Police Backup got in the final blow).
Hero Victory- Mad Bomber Behind Bars
No Heroes incapacitated
Impending Casualties was removed at the end of the first environment turn
Next Evolution entered play on the last turn!
3 Blade Battalions were killed by Baron Blade, 2 on the first side and 1 on the second
Normal, yeah. Ill put in Advanced in the rule set if it is or isnt Probably only the last one or two of the 5 campaign string will be Advanced, we'll see.
Forgive me, but I think our turn-counting might be a little imprecise... By my count, my Impending Casualty was taken out of play on Turn 3 of Round 1 (Turn 1 - Baron Blade, Turn 2 - Legacy, Turn 3 - Wraith with the grappling hook). MatchstickMan's left on Turn 6 of Round 1 (Turn 1 - Baron Blade, Turn 2 - Hero 1, Turn 3 - Hero 2, Turn 4 - Hero 3, Turn 5 - Hero 4, Turn 6 - environment turn).
Do I have that right?
And also, just wanted to say... This is really great. I was excited to get home and have a chance to try this, and I'm looking forward to the next installment.
Impending Casualties came out twice total. The second one came out in the first environment turn and they were both destroyed at the end of it.
Next Evolution never entered to hand and play. 4 Blade Battalions were destroyed, 3 in the Mad Bomber rounds and 1 in the Maniacal Death Ray Wielder rounds.
Reminder one more day to get your results in to determine the next round! (of course you can still play in the next round, but you wont have had any help determining it!)
I was going to play another game to see if I could get a different result. I had a really bad draw, Bunker and Legacy dealt almost no damage the entire game. However, after thinking about it, we still won and it fits in thematically with the scenario, backlash filed hurt as because we got rid of IC, and Legacy used NE to help us win. The only thing is that I misplayed MBB flip side (I really have to start using the big cards), I kept flipping target like the front side. While it did make the game much harder, and I still won, there would probably be less Blade Battlions. while I don't remeber the exact order of the cards, it would probably have been 1, maybe 2. Anyways here it is.
Blade battalion - 2 pre-flip, 3 after = 5 total
Tachy - 2 hp. 2 Hypersonic Assaults really helped, and Synaptic Interruption helped flip him after he got a bunch of cards under him. She used Lightspeed Barrage to finish him off.
Wraith - incapped. Helped out early with RO and MTC, but got incapped by Backlash Field. Finally got rid of Backlash Field with her incap ability.
Bunker - 1 hp did nothing except a few hits with his Grenade launcher. His starting hand was Ammo Drop (yay no targets, and no Ongoing destruction available) and 3xUpgrade Mode...ugh. He did play Adhesive Foam Grenade a couple of times, which helped me not get another Impending Casualty.
Legacy - 13 hp Had next evolution out. Really saved the game. Train stayed in for a while (since we were hitting BB), and since he was immune to melee, only BB was taking the damage. It was a pleasant surprise when Cramped Quarter Combat came out and Legacy was immune to everything. Switched late to energy to stop BB's attack, but this was essential to winning. Only did damage once.
Inpending Casualty - 0!!!!! I am counting it as 0 since Tachy went first and used Blinding Speed to get rid of it, instead of taking out Backlash Field. Wraith got out MTC and RO early, but was incapped because Backlash Field was still in play. So 0!!!!!
Impending Casualty destroyed at the end of the first environment turn. Didn't see another one.
1 Blade Battalion came out after Blade flipped and was instantly destroyed.
No heroes were incapacitated, or even close (Legacy had 10 and he was the lowest. This was mostly due to a 2 hasten Doom turn while Cramped Quarters was out.).
Next Evolution was not in play at the end of the game, or even in Legacy's hand.