Worldwide, an apparent shooting star was remarked upon by several astronomical facilities for its brightness relative to its size. A small tsunami was recorded as a result of its crash, suggesting that the metoerite was of substantial size. Chelyabinsk-style video footage wasn't available, but some effort was made to track the impact site to a small island in tropical parts of the south Pacific.
A sentient computer facility in the central United States completed its calculation first, and sent a small number of unmanned drones to investigate. However, the distance involved put it arriving there slightly behind a former agent dispatched by FILTER to find out what had happened. Archaeologist Blake Washington happened to be there, and the commotion interrupted his exploration.....
Chapter 1:
Heroes: KNYFE, Ra, Tempest
Villain: Omnitron
Environment: Insula Primalis
Report: Whether the heroes won, and remaining HP totals of any survivors, and how many rounds the game lasted.
Report results by 6 AM CDT on Monday, 3/10/2014
Game 2A: In which some heroes face a narrow escape.
As the alien, the commando, and the archaeologist ran pell-mell from the ferocious predator, a small explosion went off nearby. Feeling a breeze brush their faces as they headed for the shore and Dr. Washington's camp, they suddenly saw a figure in a white suit just ahead of them. "Whatwasthatexplosioncouldyoutellohmygodisthatanactualdinosaurohbythewayhaveanyofyouseenameteoritearoundhereabout15feetacrossorso?" Another explosion sends them continuing toward the shore where a caped man touches down. The white-suited figure that had been just in front of them spews "HiPaulgladyoucouldjoinusdoyouknowwhatthoseexplosionsjustwereandbecarefulIthinkthere'saTRexrightbehindus."
The alien figure finally got a word in edgewise. "I believe the remains of my craft are underwater about 2% of your planet's circumference offshore. I would appreciate your assistance in attempting to salvage them so that I may relay word of impending danger."
Villain: Ambuscade. Special: When revealing cards from Ambuscade's deck at the start of the game, leave any Trap cards revealed face-up when they are shuffled back into Ambuscade's deck. Note how many trap cards were revealed in this manner.
Heroes in play: Tachyon, KNYFE (starts with 11 HP), Ra (starts with 13 HP), Tempest (starts with 8 HP), Legacy. Tachyon must act first; Legacy must act last; the other three heroes may go in any order.
Environment: Ruins of Atlantis.
To track:
- How many traps did Ambuscade start with face-up? How many traps went off?
- Who survives? How many HP do they have?
- How many rounds does the game last?
Game 2B: In which other heroes find the unexpected.
"Ms. Howell, thanks for coming by. We're happy to compare notes with RevoCorp on the probably trajectory of the meteorite as long as it doesn't violate any security clearances that we have in place. Aminia seems to think your credentials are in order. Should we ask Aminia for anything while we wait for Lt. Vance and the Wraith?" Devra Caspit was pleasant to the visiting dignitary, although she wasn't quite sure she saw the point in allowing a company that was at least on the gray side of things access to more information that it has acquired on its own. However, her objections had been overruled by Dr. Stinson & the Wraith, so that was that. Lt. Vance got to hang around the briefing because statistically the thing would have landed underwater, and the Bunker suit made him the only real logical candidate for trying to retrieve it.
While they waited, they engaged in some idle pleasantries, which culiminated in Kim Howell's asking how long their secretary had been working for them just before Aminia rang up with a phone call regarding something that needed immediate attention... and it was just downstairs.
Villain: Miss Information
Heroes: Parse, Unity, Bunker, the Wraith
Environment: Freedom Tower. Freedom Tower begins with The Front Desk in play.
Who won? How many HP for survivors? How many rounds?
What was the greatest number of distractions that Miss Information had in play at once?
Game 3A: In which consequences are revealed, not all of them pleasant.
The tumultuous events on Insula Primalis left FILTER in "possession" of a new captive - one who was not at all happy to be there. He kept insisting on speaking to the person in charge, claiming that he had news of a dire threat indeed. It didn't help his cause that at around the same time, a superhuman had been captured on the island while tracking down the new captive and trying to rein in Agent Huntley. A third party was not happy about the superhuman capture, and she did not hesitate to show it.
Heroes: Tempest, Chrono-Ranger, and Setback
Villain: Citizen Dawn. Special: Citizen Anvil must be one of the citizens in the initial draw. (He's the one who was captured by accident.)
Environment: The Block. If Warden Hoefle is ever reduced to 0 hit points or lower, the Heroes lose.
Questions to answer:
- Who won? How many remaining HP for any surviving targets?
- Which Citizens besides Anvil were in the initial draw?
Game 3B: And consequences have consequences.
"OK, gang... we have a problem here. According to Ms. Howell, Aminia was directly responsible for everything that just happened in Freedom Tower, and she got away. So, not only do we have to clean up the mess she's made here, but we need to find her. On top of that, the police scanners in Megalopolis are going haywire with all the activity - more of Aminia's doing, I suspect. Any questions?"
Heroes: The Wraith, Haka, Absolute Zero
Villains: The Vengeance 3 (sorry, Silverleaf - but you could ask the G+ crew to play it) of Baron Blade, Ermine, and Friction (in that order)
Environment: Megalopolis
No special rules here - it's going to be crazy enough as it is.
Questions to answer:
- Who wins?
- How many HP left for any targets in play?
- Which nemeses came into the game?