Looking for interesting team synergies to try out

So after playing through over 200 battles following the lore timeline someone made on Reddit and after beating every event and critical event in DE and its Rook City expansion and finally ending off after beating OblivAeon twice, once for the normal ending and again for the secret ending…

…I now find myself playing around with different team setups and am curious…what are some of the best team setups out there for EE and DE? I find myself playing EE a bit more, mainly because there is just a lot more content and variety, so I’m a little more interested in learning some interesting synergies from that version of the game.

What are the most game breaking team synergies?

Best teams vs specific annoying enemies? (ie: The Dreamer, Iron Legacy, Spite, Skinwalker Gloomweaver, Miss Information etc?)

Which team setups completely flatten the entire game?

I remember reading somewhere that Mr Fixer is capable of doing an infinite attack?? How is this possible??

Please, share and let me know which are your best team setups. You can even include sentinels of earth prime heroes as well!

Let’s see…

Dreamer is best with fewer heroes. Fanatic’s End of Days can flip her in one go, and – if there is at least one Illusory Demon in play – win the game for you in one go on her flip side. You just have to make sure you destroy Illusory Demon after you’ve taken out everything else you want gone, then use its on-destroy effect to destroy End of Days, otherwise you’ll destroy all the cards under the Dreamer and undo all your hard work!

Iron Legacy I’m not aware of any real hard counters for. Parse is very helpful, between ongoing destruction and irreducible damage. Copious ongoing destruction is probably more key there.

Spite can be shut down hard by Void Guard Writhe. :slight_smile: Just get Umbral Siphon into play, stop him healing, and go to town dropping him before he flips!

If I want to shut down Skinweaver, I’ll usually just use Legacy. Next Evolution infernal + Lead from the Front means his flip-side damage will only hurt non-hero targets. It’s still a long fight.

Miss Info is also easier with fewer heroes. The best strategy is just to not fight her ever because she sucks. :’)

And I imagine the Fixer infinite is the Dual Crowbars + Friendly Fire setup, which you need Setback for. Basically, when he deals damage, Friendly Fire asks if he wants to hit Setback. You say yes, Setback takes some damage, Dual Crowbars lets Mr. Fixer deal that damage to another target, Friendly Fire procs again. Rinse and repeat. Extend with Silver Linings, which will turn that large pool of unlucky tokens into more HP for Pete! :slight_smile:

EDIT: Oh, I didn’t see the note about including Earth Prime as well. Siren can also shut down Spite, and even better, since she can disable his damage reduction Drug.

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I had no idea end of days worked on The Dreamer’s minions! I will have to try that strategy out one of these days. :thinking:

Despite all the hate Miss Information gets, I actually find her pretty fun to play against with the right team setup. I like using the next evolution + lead from the front strategy after she flips and typically take a lot of ongoing destruction and deck manipulation with me.

I haven’t tried Siren out yet, but I’ll test her out on Spite too! Thanks for the suggestions! :smiley:

Actual hard counter is the Meteor Storm from Wagner Mars Base. Just leave it in play, let Parse continually boost “the next damage dealt” by another hero with Critical Multiplyer, and make sure you have enough extra ongoings out to act as buffers to his ongoing destruction. You eventually hit the point where you just skip a turn, and let your damage dealer one-shot him.


Assuming he doesn’t have Superhuman Redirection out, or that’s going to go very poorly for you.


The way to turn the Fixer combo infinite is with X-Treme Haka with Ta Moko out, plus any hero who can give 1DR to him.

Fixer hits an opponent, and Friendly Fire triggers. HE goes to hit Setback for 3, it gets redirected to Haka and reduced by 2, which causes Fixer to hit Haka for 1 damage, and then Haka heals 1 HP. Then, because Fixer hit someone, Dual Crowbars triggers and he can Attack an enemy, at which point Friendly Fire triggers…


I have actually found an interesting team composition that has been able to defeat every villain and their variant except for The Dreamer, so far…though it may be possible to beat her too with enough tries at it.

I thought of this team mainly because 4/5 of the characters on it are my favorite heroes in the game. The team is as follows in order from left to right:

Stuntman (Action hero variant)
Argent Adept (Normal version)
Captain Cosmic (Normal version)
Luminary (Normal version)
Void Guard Mainstay (Normal version)

The only one out of those 5 characters that isn’t my personal favorite is Argent Adept, although he is my favorite support character and is essential in tying that team together.

Action hero stuntman does his thing, setting up extra turn plays and abusing his power to boost damage by 1 and get an extra card play while saving En Media Res to use during the environment phase to loop the round all the way back to the start, giving everyone an extra turn.

Argent Adept, I find his best combo are his two extra card playing cards, the harmony one and the rhythm one, then bring out his lute to get 2 extra card plays. Though, he is also capable of getting rid of nasty ongoings, getting extra power plays and boosting defense and damage too as well as healing when needed.

Captain Cosmic loads up Stuntman, Argent Adept and occasionally Mainstay with Dynamic Syphons. Throws all of his defense buff construct at Mainstay. Gives extra damage to Mainstay and Stuntman, and helps out with heals. Those defense buffs and dynamic syphons are his most essential tools for this team.

Luminary is too much fun on this team. Play his cards that reveals up to 4 cards bringing out devices revealed this way and discarding the rest, abuse his base power to bring out even more devices and get more discards. His only ongoing card boosts the damage on his damage dealing devices by 1 and when a device is destroyed, he can either deal 1 toxic damage or discard the top card of his deck. The main plan here is to setup up his orbital laser doomsday device by filling your trash with as many discards as possible, then blow the villain off the map with one massive laser beam! If that doesn’t kill them, the next best thing to do is setup his other doomsday device that puts all of his devices in the trash into play at once, then rack up discards to shoot the laser again!

Mainstay, with this team setup, is by far, THE best tank in the game. With defense buff constructs from Captain Cosmic added with his biker vest card that gives him another defense buff and even with Argent’s defense buff, that’s -4 damage. Add that with his other card that redirects all damage to him whenever you choose to and he can soak all hits off all enemies and environments. He can be kept alive with heals from Argent or Captain Cosmic, can get extra card plays from Argent to build him up super fast with all of his ongoings and equipment cards in play after utilizing his motorcycle to get plenty of card draws. Then, when enough equipment cards are in his trash, spam Drop the Hammer cards to deal a TON of irreducible damage one play after the other.

With all of this going on, even villains like Spite couldn’t stand a chance against this setup.

This is, by far, my favorite team in the game to use. I am only missing a win vs The Dreamer and just realized I need to try this team on vengeance villains as well still too, so going to do that next.

Do any of you have a favorite team that can beat all villains too? I’m curious what your setups are.