So "Misplaced Memo" makes the non-hero target with the lowest HP immune to damage.
Playing on "Insula Primalus" and got 3 dinosaurs all at 5 HP. Does that mean all 3 of them are immune?
No, you chose which one would be the lowest out of that group, so you could technically hit any of the three. Unless you outright kill it, the one you would chose would now have to be the lowest. You would continue this until this is only one left.
Misplaced memo+choustraphobic delusion = "Non-hro targets are immune to damage" = nothing heroes can do to advance in fight"
Exception: You could hit tarhgets tied for lowest
There's plenty you can do to advance the fight - you can destroy either of the cards causing the synergistic global damage immunity.
good point. and also, the environment will eventually get out another distortion
If the target is destroyed or removed from the game some other way, does misplaced memo then choose another target or is it destroyed too?
Misplaced Memo is constantly changing. If the lowest is somehow removed from play, the new lowest will be immune. If a target enters play that is lower than the previous lowest target, the new target is the only that is immune to damage.
Ronway, you said that misplaced memo is changing but then gave examples for cloustrophobic delusion. don't confuse your cards
Well sorry, I didn't realize I had to be perfect in and can't make mistakes once in awhile. It's not like I am inhuman. Thank you for being so nice and demanding me not to make a mistake ever again. I appreciate your well thought out input in correcting my mistake.
By the way, the kind person I am, I shall point out that you have missed spelled "claustrophobic", however I acknowledge that you are human and are not immune to making mistakes. So you can make future mistakes and I won't demand you to never make a mistake again, because you are human.
New villain confirmed! Miss Spelled, sentinent spell checker… OF DOOM!
And new environment, the Acknow Lodge!
Well, fine. If Graham Chapman demands it, I'll stop.
Right, the real question is does Misplaced memo protect a card from pointed sticks?
No. That is insaine. There is absolutley NO precedent in the rulebook allowing for pointed stick protection. What definition of "stick" are you using exactly? Something something something huge semantic leap something something
This may be the best post ever.