“Machine Slaughterhouse On Mars” Sentinels of the Multiverse Story AAR

Hi folks,

I'm new to the forum and suppose this folder might be the right place to share a little After Action Report of one of our game sessions recently. If not then please a mod move it to the right folder. I also hope that's ok to give a link here instead of the story itself. We have used some pics to liven up the story and all and I think all this format stuff will either be messed up by paste/copy here or it will take a good deal of time to start this all from scratch. So the link to the AAR seems the easier way. We are a website generally dedicated to wargames, but we play a lot of other stuff as well and are currently preparing an in-depth review of the SotM game system, that will be online soon, I'll let you know :)

So, if you have a minute or two feel invited to read what happened on Mars - hope you enjoy it :)

“Machine Slaughterhouse On Mars” 

Happy Gaming,





Love your enthusiasm!

Two-man army is doable, if rare. Good luck.

Hehe, that was a good read :). If you only have two heroes, you have the luxury of being able to ignore anything that deals "H minus 2" damage, but on the other hand everything else tends to kick your arse. We got totally trounced by Voss in about ten minutes once, not long before we switched to the "Heroes get an extra turn after the Environment's turn" way of doing things. These days at least one of us plays two heroes, though, and we have a pretty high win rate :).